I was quite disappointed with my weigh-in this morning. It’s been one week since I started solid food again… and I stepped on the scale this morning to see more than just a few pound gain! I’ve been trying to be so careful with my portions and trying to follow hunger signals so I have to think it’s water weight since I don’t feel like I’ve gained. I guess I can only see what happens.
We got up this morning and I fixed my usual raw oats…

Once Katie was up and eating breakfast, I got a head start with cleaning house so that we could finish sooner since we had a big day planned! We took Katie to Moms then came back so I could finish cleaning.

Nothing like a clean house!!! I go nuts if my house gets too messy. I brought up the idea to go wash and vacuum the car so we eventually got some change then it was off to the car wash! Brad soaped and power washed the car while I sat inside and wiped down the dashboard and everything on the inside and I was sweating so bad since the car was off! I eventually got out and watched Brad wash the car the last few minutes. We didn’t have anymore money so we’ll have to clean out and vacuum the inside when we can. I was kindof disappointed we didn’t get to today! We had planned to go swimming for about an hour then getting a shower and heading out but by the time we got back from the car wash, I was irritated and starving so decided to hold off on swimming. I fixed a DELICIOUS salad for lunch (and my mini usual fiber shake) and got to try out my new roasted red pepper dressing. WOW… my new favorite for sure. It is so good. I put it in a plastic container just incase I didn’t eat it all so I could save it for later to eat for dinner while we were out and about but… I ate it all since I was so hungry!!! I got all fresh with a shower, used my new shampoo + conditioner that smelled SO GOOD then afterwards, put on some awesome lotion then applied my clay facial mask. We hung out until I washed my face then fixed my hair. We were off!
We went to a town about 20 minutes away to check out their Town Center mall. Brad had heard they were having a blood drive and he loves to give blood when he can since he is O- and so that is always needed! Mine is AB- so it is the rarest but his is the one most needed. We walked into the mall and Brad was hoping that they hadn’t stopped the blood drive for today but… nope! They were still going until 5pm! It was right around 4:30pm when we walked in.

Brad went ahead and got signed up and had to wait, wait, wait. I went and looked at the big sign to see where everything was so I could find a BATHROOM since I had to PEE. I had to go to the upper level in the food court and finally found relief. Wooohooo! I felt tired.. after cleaning house and sweating my BUTT off from cleaning the inside of the car. I ventured in a few stores then came back to sit by where the blood drive was happening. I sat there and closed my eyes off and on. It took a little over an hour!!! Once he was finally done, we went to the same place we went last Saturday! Well, same place but in a different town and location.

Yippeeeee SMOOTHIE KING! We were going to use another coupon but the coupons we brought with us were for a specific Smoothie King in that town and that wasn’t it so boo… but we still got smoothies anyway! I got the same low-carb chocolate with the probiotic enhancer like I got last Saturday and It was so good. We went to a few other places before leaving the mall! We had to stop by Petsmart since our chinchilla needed cage bedding and we got some big chew sticks. Next, Michael’s craft store where we got a few things. We left that town and headed back to ours and Brad wanted to go back to the Japanese grocery store we went to last weekend so… we did. He bought some noodles and then we went to pick up Katie and I got to talk to Mom for a little bit. FINALLY came home!! Brad bathed Katie, put her to bed while I fixed my dessert to go in the freezer then washed dishes. It feels so good to sit down.
I am ready for sleep. I am also really hungry even though I just ate dessert. Gotta catch up with my online stuff!