I have literally been on my feet ALL DAY.
Usually Mom takes Katie for the day on Saturdays – but this morning she still was NOT feeling well at all (she also had a headache last night when we picked Katie up) so we just took Katie along on our Saturday adventures!
Gotta start the day out with breakfast, yo!

My kashi, yogurt and berry mess in my bowl I got from my cousin’s ex-gf plus my favorite LONG SPOON! Hah. After we all had eaten and Katie went to play on the porch… so began this:

Saturday cleaning! Yes, I DO love to clean!!! Most people can’t stand it and hate to do it but I enjoy it. I was raised around people that love it, so yea. I got Brad to HELP ME do this and that since not only did I have to do the usual cleaning but also try to feed Katie at the same time. After about half the cleaning was done, we loaded up to pick up a few things at Wal-Mart. Came home, finished cleaning then Brad fell asleep in the chair. I was trying to hurry so we could get out the door so it wouldn’t be too late when we left for our afternoon outing. I fixed my lunch, packed all our things then we loaded the car up and we were…… OUT !!! I ate my delicious SHRIMP and veggie salad (tried my new greek feta dressing & little jalapenos in it! = DELISH) + a side of WATER on our drive.
First stop was to the pet store Brad had checked out last week when he had to get a new tire… he had lots of time to wait so he went looking at various stores and found it! Let’s just say… OMG. We got to play with a TINY BABY Yorkshire Terrier! WANT WANT WANT. I called Mom (since she has ALWAYS wanted one) and told her we were getting to spend time with the cute little guy. Also- I was so sad since they had a BABY mini African Grey bird… If I would of had the money, he would of been MINE! Katie had a blast in the store running around and around. She threw a fit when we left… no surprise there! Next up –

This mall is REALLY awesome. Same place we went last weekend where Brad gave blood. We walked and walked and walked. Still not sure we got to see everything!!! We took a potty break pretty early on and there was a family bathroom with a tiny toilet for Katie- SO CUTE.
Enter snack time!

The orange chocolate bar was pretty good!! Plus… yes, beano! Haha. And H2O! We walked and walked more. Checked out various stores… Katie got really tired, cranky and screamy/squealy after while. We went into Vitamin World where I found a discount bottle of cleanse liquid so I got it! I’m gonna try it tomorrow. Brad and I have been looking for new cases for our HTC Inspire phones for a long while and now they’ve finally came out with a lot of choices! I came to this vendor in the middle of the mall and she was SET on selling me something! I saw one I liked and she said, “Ok, well bring it around and I’ll check it out for you.” Hah. It IS really pretty…… love all things HEARTS. Seeee???

Walk, walk, walk, walk. I bet we walked 10 miles today. Finally sat down to feed Katie her snack then check out a few more places before we went to get dinner. I had already decided beforehand that I wanted SUBWAY! I looked at the menu online the other day so I could buy one that would be within calorie count for me. We got our SUBS then had to hurry over to a certain SMOOTHIE KING (they also had one in the mall but our COUPONS were only for a specific Smoothie King at a specific address) so we could get them before they closed at 8PM.

We made it over there around 7:35pm and I got the new LEAN smoothie.. chocolate flavor, less than 300 calories and 20ish grams of protein! 2 free smoothies? Yes, please! I was saving mine for dessert.
I had wanted to try to go find a place with tables so we could sit and eat our dinner but Brad got all crazy on me and was like, “DO YOU KNOW OF A PLACE LIKE THAT?” I’m like UH NO, but we could look! We kindof had a little spat and I got peeved because I had to feed Katie in the hot car then Brad said he would feed her so he hopped in the backseat with her and did that. Rah. Anyhow, my sub? EPIC.

Flatbread is DEFFO my main choice bread to use and I also got avocado on it with my turkey, ham and veggies! Finally, we were ready to drive home!
Once home, Brad took Katie in to start her bath and bed routine while I brought everything in, put things away, washed dishes then eventually got a shower + did a clay facial mask and just finished my smoothie for dessert! I am so ready for relaxation and SLEEP. I’m trying to catch up online plus have to get a lesson for the church kiddos tomorrow!!!
Tomorrow WILL DEFINITELY BE A REST DAY. Also, I think I’m gonna do a mini-cleanse tomorrow and drink my cleanse solution that I got along with smoothies and some fruit since my tummy has not been MOVING ALONG if you get my meaning so I gotta get that sorted out so I can have a flat tum-tum again. Off to get that lesson ready then GO TO BED. I’m so thankful for everything I have! I hope I can be the best person I can be one day at a time! Mucho love to you all !!!