Today has been equal to:
college reading.
a partial cleanse!
This was my diet today up until dinner & dessert:

Cleansing formula, water, protein smoothies and FRUIT in the form of watermelon and cantelope! Since switching from my juice cleanse back to solid foods, I went from all juice to LOADS of fiber and this has caused a lot of discomfort and not being able to go regularly. I bought some
Beano Saturday and it has already started to help! I’m gonna try to cut down on the fiber in my diet just a bit since I know I get a LOOOT. The major part of my diet IS fiber… which is great except my body hasn’t adjusted to that much fiber since it was liquid-only for TWENTY-FOUR days. I want my flat tummy back that I used to have so I’m working to create a balance in my system. The last week I’ve drank atleast a gallon of water a day and I know I need that because of all the fiber. Once I get balanced, hopefully the extra pounds I’ve put on since going back to solid food will be gone and I can continue on my way towards my goal weight! I’ll get there!!!
Got my new exercise schedule all planned out for the week and I am ready to go !!! WOOHOO!