I was not wanting to get out of bed this morning!!! .. but once I did, I felt alright. For breakfast, I had a Kashi mess bowl that was good. Piled back into bed and got a little more sleep before starting another MONDAY!
PRE-WORKOUT: 1 tablespoon of the awesome almond butter and a DATE!
EXERCISE: New week! Today was WTB – Wii, Treadmill, Bike and I got my SWEAT ON.
POST-WORKOUT: Protein and supplement powder shakeeee PLUS a side of cantaloupe!
Eventually fed Katie lunch while finishing up my college reading. Multi-tasking FTW! After Katie went down for nap, I fixed my salad lunch. I put more CANTALOUPE into my salad!! It was actually delish. I did another home colon cleanout… as I know those help relieve all the stuff I’m going through then I got a nice hot bath.
Into the afternoon, I decided to try my KIND bar…

We headed out to Microcenter so Brad could pick up a cord then looked around. I was getting hungry… then we went to Wal-Mart so I could pick up more protein powder, unsweetened almond milk and Brad got some gum. Came home to quickly put this together for dessert!!!

This morning I tried to calculate how much fiber I have been eating since I got off the juice cleanse. HOLY COW. Yea, I really jumped the gun too much too fast with the fiber. No wonder I’m having trouble. Went from no fiber to OVERLOAD. Did you know that 1/4 cup cooked lentils has 15 GRAMS of fiber?!!!!! I was eating 1/2 cup A DAY plus tons of other fiber! Sheesh… I’d say I was getting around 60-70g?! Again, that’s great but not all at once on my cleansed system. I evaluated my diet and cut out chunks of fiber so I’m now down to around the recommended: 30g a day. Thankfully, the trapped um… gas is slowly leaving my body so to speak, hahaha. Just takes a little tweaking of the foods to make sure I don’t get too much right now.
I am tired!