Life is overwhelming sometimes, isn’t it? I have had a lot on my plate lately that I won’t go into detail about but I’m feeling a little worn thin this evening. Mostly with parenting stresses but ya gotta love the little hooligans anyway. I just really try to focus on remembering the good things in life! I have so many blessings that I am thankful for.
…. like for instance THAT INCUBUS HAS A NEW ALBUM THAT CAME OUT TODAY! Brandon Boyd has some heavenly vocal cords !!! Their music is amazing to me. Can’t wait to GET TO KNOW their new stufffff.
ALSO – FOR INSTANCE THIS YUMMY BREAKFAST! I haven’t had EGGS for breakfast in a long time and I used to have them EVERY SINGLE morning while I was losing weight in 2009!

- egg salsa scramble
- 2 pieces of awesome millet bread
- my calcium chewie!
- H2O + my celly
- few organic cherries
I am seriously so happy about HEALTHY FOOD. I love coming up with diff ideas and going to the store to fill up my cart with wonderful things that will put healthy nutrients into my body. Yes, I’m a health nut but A SERIOUSLY HAPPY ONE as far as food and exercise go! I ate my lovely breakfast while watching the latest Secret Life episode! As usual, went back to sleep for a little bit then UP and TO IT!
PRE-WORKOUT: 1/2c Kashi cereal, 1/2c unsweetened almond milk, lil choco pro powder
EXERCISE: Today’s combo BTW – Bike, Treadmill, Wii !! I think I sweated more today than I have IN A LONG TIME. It was so great. That is another thing that makes me GRIN is sweating up a storm. I’m slowly working my way up with jogging on the treadmill! I do 30 minutes on the treadmill and when I was at my best, I could do about 3 miles in 30 minutes? Well, right now I got my highest mileage today in 30 minutes, which was almost 1.8… long cry from where I used to be but I have been through so much since going through my health struggles so just gotta build back up, WOOT! Can’t wait to be faster than I’ve ever been on the treadmill.
POST-WORKOUT: Protein and supplement powder shakeeee PLUS a side of cantaloupe! — same as yesterday
Next up, Katie’s lunch time then she went to play on the porch a little longer while I caught up online and did a little college work. She went down for *rest* (aka SUPPOSED to be nap time) and I was excited to try a new lunch salad mix…

Before Katie got back up, I did more work in the area of my EDUCATION –

This late afternoon into the evening has been pretty chill with some tantrums from Katie. Not a surprise. I’m listening to the new Incubus album and about to PUT TOGETHER my dessert masterpiece to go sit in the freezer for a bit. Will be happy once the babe is in BED and to watch the newest eppy of Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition since it wasn’t on last week due to the 4th but love watching shows about weight loss and transformation !!!
Hold on to positive energy and hope each day my friends! It will make all the difference in the world. The mind makes the body! Think positive and you will see good changes inside and out… mucho peace and love to everyone who happens to come upon my boring blog, hah! Muaaaaaah.