Oh my! Brad tried to wake me up at 7AM this morning for church and he said I would not wake up! He kept trying every 10 minutes or so and I finally responded and woke up at around 7:40AM… grrr. I had to rush around to get everything ready for church. I had some kashi, unsweetened almond milk, choco protein powder, 1/2c BLUEBS, little goji berries and chia! It was delish… I ate while attempting to tame my messy hair.
Church was great, as always! Only had the usual 3 little girls in the class of the 8 year olds. My teaching partner had to leave after our first little class. After church, we all came home and Katie was SO TIRED. She was yawning all throughout church and has had a cold for a few days so that EQUALS cranky, temper-tantrum 3 year old. Ugh. First on my list when I got home was to try to make a good amount of fresh FRUIT/VEGGIE/GREEN JUICE! I made a pretty big portion of apple, pineapple, red leaf lettuce, lemon and cucumber. Next, was my egg and veggie LAVASH wrap for lunch. I was WISE today… I used a toothpick to hold my little wrap together haha so no mess today, just YUMMY. Katie was really acting out so I fed her a snack then put her down for an OFFICIAL NAP. Brad dozed off in the chair while I stayed online then wanted and needed to take a nap myself. I laid down and slept about 2 hours!! I heard Brad come and lay in bed at some point, too. The sleep was niiiiiiiiiiiice!
I got up ready for FOOD! Had a little glass of the fresh fruit/veggie juice then had one of my organic health bars along with some WATERMELON! Our afternoon and evening highlights –
>> reading material for the upcoming college week
>> SALAD BEAST for dinner… and had a little APPLE chunks in it (SO GOOD)

>> this evening I whipped up my dessert to sit in the freezer for a little

I’m letting all the food digest at the moment, listening to some music and craving to watch something!!! I’ll have to go take a peek at our streaming Netflix. Excited for my exercise tomorrow, wheeee! Life is deffo a juggle… between Mommyhood, taking care of the house, keeping up my meals and exercise, college and EVERYTHING ELSE – it’s super important for me to keep to a routine and just keep trying to maintain a FLOW and BALANCE.
It helps that I keep positive TOO! ;D and always rely on The Gospel… so thankful for my church and everything Heavenly Father has lead me to these last few years. I could go on and on and on AND ON AND ON about The Gospel, HEALTHY FOOD, exercise, ways to live/think positive AND ALL THINGS love! Heh.
Time to PLAN OUT my meals for Monday and browse Netflix! July has seriously zipped by so fast…