Start of another week !!!
This morning I had another round of PANCAKES! I fixed them the same way I did before – with protein powder and half a naner. It was yum… then I went back to sleep for a short time before getting up and onto starting EXERCISE.
PRE-WORKOUT: Millet bread my friends… yes!
EXERCISE: Today’s combo TWB – Treadmill, Wii Active, Bike! Even BETTER with the jogging… it’s getting easier. SO HAPPY to say that!
POST-WORKOUT: Same ole protein/supplement shake and a cup of watermeloooooon
Rest of the morning was equal to college reading and bits of this and that. After I put Katie down for nap (she was a HANDFUL TODAY!!!!!) I had a lavash tuna wrap for lunch that was yummy!! Got refreshed with a hot bath then went and laid on the bed to cool off and dozed a little bit… I had more college reading to do so I read until 4:30pm then IT WAS SNACK TIME……

Brad came home this afternoon and brought our NEW WATER SUPPLY HOME! He signed up to buy water from the same company that supplies it to his work. We’ve been wanting to fully switch from using tap that we let sit in the fridge to fresh distilled so tada –

After dinner and Brad’s exercise! (he started a new routine today!) We loaded up to go get a few things. First, before I talk of what we got – I’ve been doing more research on restoring my health. OK so way back when my health first went crazy and I looked into being deficient with certain vitamins / minerals around late 2010… spent way too much money on trying those. Then fast forward to this May, where I thought about the possibility of Candida overgrowth in my intestines. That also came with starting probiotic supplements. Did my 24 day juice cleanse. Thought about lack of digestive enzymes. Bought supplements for that. Recently, I came upon too LOW of stomach acid. Guess what? I have been going backwards. Apparently, IF your stomach acid is too low, that can mess with the digestive enzymes that can mess with how vitamins and nutrients are used/applied to the body AND allow for infections/parasites/overgrowth SUCH AS Candida. I thought of Candida first then the enzymes and now the acid, lol. Is my stomach acid low? I deffo think so. I researched and wanted to buy some HCL supplements.
ANYHOW! We loaded up tonight and went to WHOLE FOODS first where I searched and found two diff HCL supplements and went with the one that was a little more expensive but higher dosage of HCL. We’ll see what happens. If you take too much, you’ll feel a burning sensation in your tumtum apparently. I think I’m really low.. that might be my main prob-o! Since low stomach acid = trouble with digestive enzymes = low immune system = toxic blood / body = HELL = body likely to get infections, parasites and overgrowth. I have been through that HELL. Nooooooo fun. My life has been a big experiment on myself since my health went downhill hahaha. Also got some PICKLES! Brad got a drink, Larabar and I think that’s all we got? Oh, Brad got mushroom to go in his dinner. Went to Wal-Mart to pick up pull-ups for Katie, TOM’s toothpaste since we’re making the SWITCH to flouride-free, dried prunes for Brad.
Came home >> Brad took Katie to potty then bed >> He ate a very late dinner, I had dessert + 2 HCL pills and now I’m going to plan out my meals and get ready for BED! I feel pretty good right now. Getting a bit sleepy tho, heh. As always, I am so thankful for everything I have… I owe it all to my Heavenly Father. Wishing everyone positive energy and a great night !!!