Eek, it’s late! We share an Internet connection thanks to my WONDERFUL cousin who lives across the hall and we help pay the tab so it’s all good… well, except tonight he came over and said the modem was possibly dead BUT THEN a little later he upgraded the modem software and we were back on the Interwebs! Trying to get this post in before midnight and get my bootay to bed.
Breakfast was a bowl of oats, fruit and such.. and since I have been trying to make a more PEACEful overall setting during the day for me and Katie – I thought about it a long while and decided instead of going to lay back down, I would stay up and get Katie up EARLIER then take her outside for a walk. After her breakfast, potty time and getting ready, we were out the door! Also, I really love reading Caitlin’s blog and her Operation Beautiful site is amazing. Post a random inspirational note somewhere! and so I was on a mission to do JUST that this morning. Katie and I headed out the door and I decided to post my inspiration……

Came back >> potty time then Katie played on the porch while I got to my TRUE workout!!! And hey, the walk will give me EXTRA calorie burn! Yipppeeeeeee!
PRE-WORKOUT: Grabbed and ate a BANANA right before I started.
EXERCISE: Today’s combo BWT – Bike, Wii Active, Treadmill! Was REALLY soaked with sweat today, YES. THAT’S what I AM talking ABOUT! I did nothing but LEG work with the Wii Active… lunges, squats, squat holds… owe that REALLY burns. Treadmill is getting easier – I keep saying that and I AM STOKED. Maybe I’ve already said that too, lol. OH WELL, I love it anyway.
POST-WORKOUT: Protein shake/smoothie/whatevs ya wanna call it plus… um I don’t remember what I had with it?? OH yea, a few soaked almonds =)
After that sweatfest and my foods, I eventually fed Katie then she played more on the porch while I did a bit of college work. I put her down for nap then FORGOT I was going to have my sweet potato for lunch because I was going to go ahead and put that in the oven so I went ahead and got that ready and into the oven and in the meantime, had some Kashi TLC crackers and 1/2 blueberries to hold me over. I went ahead and got a nice shower + washed my hair while it was still baking. Got out, took it out, Katie was STILL awake so I told her to lay down (insert screaming and fit…) then put the GLORIOUS almond BUTTER on top of a sizzlin’ hot sweet potato. I haven’t had this combo like this in FOREVERRRRR.

I browsed online then went to read some religious material in bed but was reading REALLY makes me sleepy and was tired from the very, very active morning and wound up dozing for 30 minutes ON my book… lol. Woke up with one side of my face red from laying on it! Watched one of my fav guys on YouTube for a bit before getting Katie up >> snack >> playtime for her. Late snack time for me!! Cottage cheese, cinnamon and the Kashi TLC honey sesame crackers. MMM – LOVE the sesame flavor. DELISH.
Once Brad came home, we’ve had a pretty chilled out evening. I had a shrimp salad for dinner with my KOMBUCHA that I always save for Wednesday’s dinner, lol. My tummy felt sooo good afterwards. Dessert was a kashi / greek yog / lil choco protein powder / sprinkle of chia seeds + goji berry MIX UP put into the freezer to chill out just for a bit before I consumed it. Yummy baby! I’m really hoping I can get my body back to full health so I can start really burning my extra fat and having crazy energy like I once had.. just seems my body has not been absorbing nutrients like it should so still praying the lack of stomach acid has been the prob-o since I am taking the supplements and I have read that those are a big key to good digestion.
I’ll leave this post with my WISH-LIST. I have learned the last few years that material things don’t matter “SO MUCH” … deffo not as much as the SPIRITUAL/ETERNAL perspective! BUT! there are still things that I would like to save for and treat myself too since these are things I really NEED and not just WANT. Here is my wish-list off the top of my sleepy head:
1) NEW ASICS running shoes! I got my pair back in early 2010.. it’s time for some new babies for my feetsies!!! Yes, feetsies is a word right now.
2) Mini laptop – I want a little bitty one so I can go outside with Katie and still work on school assignments and etc!
3) a BIKE! Brad and I BOTH want a bike so we can a) exercise and b) ride together c) have a simple way of transportation in the area
4) Digital camera. I NEED ONE BADLY. Our CRAPPY current one acts so retarded. It won’t turn on half the time and I use my camera EVERY DAY now so yea, need!
5) Computer chair! Hahahhaa. This one FOR SURE. I have had the same computer chair since 2001? 2002? I don’t even remember when I got this from my family as a present but it has LASTED ME THAT LONG. It is falling apart (the stuffing) and is not comfortable anymore (kindof hurts my elbow where I rest it) and I found a CUUUUUUTE little chair for $60 at OfficeMax and could of got it this last weekend but I want to save so we can get chairs at the same time since we both need them. Brad only has a bottom seat… he kept leaning back in his chair back in 2009? Early 2010? and it broke so yea, just a bottom is all that’s left of his chair!
Oh, and a $100 Whole Foods gift card would be oh-so-wonderful in my books too, just sayin! ;D Hahahha well I had better post this, check up on Facebook real quick then get some SLEEP if I am expected to keep up with my very active mornings! Tomorrow is Thursday? Wowie. Hopefully it won’t rain in the morning… we got lucky today since the rain / mini storm held off until this afternoon. Have a great night everyone!!!! Stay positive and know that you ARE special!