Today marks 8 years since my hubby asked me out!!! Not long after our blind date, he sent me a Yahoo greeting card with one of the South Park characters on it … surrounded in hearts and of course the “WILL YOU” message, heh. He got online and said, “So will you?” =)
He brought these home for me!!!!!

8 years huh? Wow. I think back to when we first met and there are SO MANY cherished memories and “first times” of everything that we shared together. We have been through so much… good and bad and I know we ARE meant to be. “We are friends… and lovers” He is my always, my everything! Here’s to 8 more years for us!!!
REWIND to this morning! I’m gonna make this day summary short. Katie and I went for about a ~30 minute HOT walk this morning. She played on the porch while I got my exercise on!!
PRE-WORKOUT: cottage cheese and Kashi TLC crackers
EXERCISE: Today’s combo WTB – Wii Active (mostly upper body), Treadmill (no jogging today, just walking) and then some time on the bike! Yesterday and today I cranked DOWN the intensity since I really put out some energy the rest of the week with my workouts.
POST-WORKOUT: millet bread, almost butter with cinnamon and CHIA seeds… so good
Nothing else big to highlight on… I got more college work done. Did 2 loads of laundry and have one left to fold. Brad came home with my flowers!!! I fixed my dinner to have ready to eat later after we shopped at Whole Foods like usual… =) We dropped Katie off then ON OUR WAY!
highlight goodies from Whole Foods

- RAW cookies! been wanting to try these
- usual awesome greek live culture yog
- pitted DATES!
- oral probiotic losenges
- sprouts
- digestive enzyme tablets
- dried apricots – so good
- rainier cherries
We sat outside Whole Foods and I ate my dinner salad and Brad got SUSHI again… I got 2 off his pile. OHH and I tried a new SUPER GREEN dark chocolate drink to have with my dinner and it was AWESOME. Hurried off to Wal-Mart to pick up lots of goodies. The pictures speak for themselves!

After my juice cleanse, I have been eating a “decent” amount of raw food but I want to go totally raw. Well, except for my yogurt, salad dressing and millet bread. No more cooked foods!!!!! I’m GOING TO HEAL MY BODY COMPLETELY. I KNOW that raw foods will get me there but I have to fill up on LOTS of goodies so I’m gonna make sure to get “full” enough when I DO sit down to eat… and to make my meals SIMPLE. I wanted to go raw in December 2010 and couldn’t stick it out since I was feeling soooo bad and my body was SO toxic. I still have a lot of healing to do but I know there is so much power in eating raw fruits and veggies BUT I have to make sure I get plenty so that’s what my meals will be! RAW BABY, WOOT!!! I’m stoked.
We have a BUSYBUSY day tomorrow and have to get up early! As far as I know, Mom IS going to keep Katie tomorrow so goodie! I can’t wait for another day. Thankful to have spent 8 years with my sweet… thankful to be alive. Thankful for my blessings. THANKFUL FOR RAW FOOD.
I owe EVERYTHING I am and EVER shall be to my Heavenly Father !!!