I realized today that I …
** need to back off the intensity of exercise
** get as much rest as possible
** eat plenty of raw fruits/veggies
** get into a good food combo & consistent eating routine
I always jump too much into exercise and my body is not ready for THAT much right now. I should not of went all out after my juice cleanse but that happens since I tend to jump the gun too much with exercise.. since the biggest area I need to focus on is getting the right food combos and REST, REST, REST but also room for a bit of exercise!! I’ll alter between bike / wii / SHORT jogging times plus my Mon – Fri walk with Katie. Lots of exercise is AWESOME when you are “equipped” for it and while yes, I could push myself… like I have been – I need to step back for now. That’s always hard for me to step back.
Short summary of today:
>> Watched new Secret Life this morning
>> Had fruits / dried fruits for breakfast
>> Did 10 minutes light exercise on the bike
>> Took Katie out for an early walk
>> Little college work
>> LOVELY nap after my bath
>> went to the store w/my loves this evening

Looks like it’s gonna be a late night since I still want to watch the latest eppy of Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition! LOVE Chris Powell =)