I don’t want to say it 100% is true, BUT I THINK I may have found the “answer” to help restore my health and energy!! I have been trying a ZILLION diff things since early 2010. Literally from A to Z! I am DETERMINED to never give up and keep experimenting until I FIND THAT ANSWER. I think this is it…
More on that after today’s summary!
Early morning eats included: PEACH then a bit later my dark chocolate cooked oats.
Katie and I got ready for our morning walk… we stopped by the apartment front office so I could talk to the manager since our air conditioner has not been blowing that “coolest” air for a bit and water has been leaking from the hallway ceiling. ALSO, our electric bill has been CRAZY HIGH the last 2 months… yup, I’d say it’s deffo the air. Anyhow, I went ahead and turned it completely off this morning. Our manager said the maintenance guy was out sick today so have to wait for him. In the meantime, she gave us 2 box fans to use in the apartment – which was very nice of her! Brought the fans home then we set out for our walk. When the sun was hiding behind the clouds, it felt good.. especially with the breeze. Once home, Katie had some water then played. I had fruit when I got back then waited a bit for a snack … my mochi rice cakes and a little pile of veggie stir-fry! I did more health research and fiddled online. I noticed this morning after I got up and about that I felt pretty tired and just wanted to relax.
Katie went down for nap and I had a big ole protein veggie stir-fry salad that had handful of shrimp and soaked almonds in it with greens and sprouts. I went to take a nice hot bath then wanted MORE THAN ANYTHING to go take a nap and so I did! It was soooooooo nice. I only woke up because Brad called me on his work break then I laid around some more until it was time to get up then Katie’s snack. Also, folded a load of laundry.
After Brad got home, my cousin dropped by to talk about our A/C then he went home. Katie, of course, started throwing temper tantrums when Brad got home… which is a daily thing for her. I fixed Katie’s dinner then fed her while I fixed my own dinner… more veggie flatbread wraps! Put those in a bowl and I was OFF to go visit and talk to my Mommy!!! So glad she lives in walking distance. The cig smoke really burned my eyes tho =( Came home to the hot house… but hey, as Brad pointed out my cousin earlier today, we’ve lived in a LOT hotter conditioners like AKA the OVEN of a trailer we lived in back in 2005.. oh yeah. Will be thankful to get the A/C fixed for sure. I enjoyed my time with Mom and I REALLY enjoyed my flatbread veggie wraps! OH and Mom gave me some veggie broth cubes to melt into hot water, yum yum.
Dessert you ask?

OK so I have been researching about food combos lately and started using that “method” in my diet this last weekend and now I have been reading more about my “digestive fire” and how if your digestive tract is messed up and you drink TOO MUCH COLD WATER, you are killing your own fire! Our system is like a campfire.. more heat = better flames. Now, if you have a good digestive tract and can eat lots of mixed, random crap then GREAT but I cannot right now since my whole system is whack. I think my answer to restoration is cutting out everything that I can in my diet that is COLD besides the little fruit I may eat from the fridge (like my cherries!) and eating lots of warm/hot stuff… soups, broths, room temp plain water, COOKED FOODS… no more raw except for room temp fruit! Umm keep on with the right food combos and eating healthy and just keep at it! I can say that I think today? Has been the first day I have went without COLD drinking water in my whole life? Or atleast for the first time in years, maybe more… I don’t know so I know that drinking cold water when your digestive system is messed up like mine is a big, big, big NO-NO.
Keep the cold away and try to spark up my dead digestive fire again! I want it BURNING HOT!! I seemed to have it pretty balanced in early 2010 but then it went BYEBYE. I know part of the “death” of the spark of my digestive fire was guzzling TONS of water before, after and during my meals PLUS I was doing hardcooooore workouts 5 days a week.
Bring on the fire, baby. I just wonder how long it will take to feel some great energy again? A month? A few months? Hopefully not long.
a) I will get my awesomesauce SUPER energy back
b) i will get my ….. tmi…… sex drive fully back!!
c) lose the extra weight and get to my goal weight
d) my hair to be as soft and awesome as it used to be
e) my NAILS to be as pretty as they were
f) the biggest one of all : to have my SPIRITUAL pow that I had.. it was so incredible.
Yes, yes. I will focus on the warm/hot and stay awaaaaaay from the cold until I can get my digestive system sorted then I can add back bits of this and that but keep balanced and HEALTHY. That is my goal, always. Thankful for my life and my Heavenly Father. Thankful that HE has lead me to these diff experiments and praying that I can find or have FOUND the answers that I have been seeking and I know I will get there – or MAYBE JUST MAYBE I am there and just need to keep focus and let my body heal.