Good evening to ya !!!
Gonna roll off a summary of today…..
I had some warm lemon water first thing! Eventually munched on an apple, date and a little goji berries. A bit later, I made some seriously awesome pancakes! With canola oil, flaxseed, unsweetened almond milk and of course the batter. Cooked those yummies then for the ICING… some of my new awesome vanilla protein powder mixed with water until it was thick so I could pretend my pancakes were little CAKES. I felt like I was icing a cake, lol.
While Katie was doing her business on the potty, I hopped on the treadmill for a quick 10 minute jog and WOW, I didn’t want to stop!!! That makes me super excited since I cannot wait to feel the “runner’s high” in FULL force again. We went for our usual morning walk and it actually didn’t feel TOO hot outside. Came home and I worked a little on college stuffffff. Had a NANER for a little snack then wanted something else a little later so had ANOTHER apple plus some strawberries. Insert more randomness.
LUNCH TIME!!! I fed Katie while also eating my lunch. I had a bowl of veggie pasta soup, a cinnamon raisin muffin with almond butter. It was all oh-so-very delish. Katie went down for nap and I took a hot bath then continued more health research. Yes, I am obsessed with my health! I got a *little* sleepy but not sleepy enough to take a nap so I stayed up today. My late afternoon snack was a yummy health bar… I can’t remember the name tho!
I did more research on the essential fatty acids and I seriously think that is what happened. I had no source of EFA in my diet! I sent a text to Brad this afternoon asking if our church friend would take him after work to Whole Foods to look at oils so they did go but they didn’t have what I wanted so they went to Kroger’s. I should of gotten the one I was thinking about getting yesterday but yeah. Brad finally came home!!!
I had brown rice, shrimp, veggies and a “sauce” of a little hummus + salad dressing! I LOVED IT.

Insert more college work this evening! Then, we had a church visitor drop by for just a little. He left and not long after, Brad put Katie to bed. I put some yogurt, oats and cinnamon in the freezer for DESSERT then wanted to dress it up with my new omega supplement:

I already feel a little “different” !!! I imagine if my body has been low for this long, it’ll take a good bit to get my body supplied again. CAN’T WAIT!