I don’t have much time so I’ll make this a short re-cap!
>> 10 minutes on the Wii Active for exercise
>> plus the usual morning walk with Katie
>> college work, my own health research
>> washed a load of laundry
>> talked to Mom on the phone
>> Brad took our car to the shop & hopefully it will be fixed tomorrow evening
>> had a simple dinner…

>> got ready to go to a CHURCH MEETING with a church friend! I had a wonderful time and learned some great tips. OH and the title of the blog was the title for the meeting tonight: Save Our Sanity!
>> said friend drove me back and we sat & talked in the car for a bit before I came in!
I’m gonna post this and get to work on my college essay! I REALLY hope our car gets fixed by tomorrow so we can go do our usual Friday night shopping plus getting to eat dinner sitting outside Whole Foods like we have been doing!