Does anyone actually read this blog …… ??? Not that it matters. I like to have it just because I love blogging and I love my blog! HAPPY FRIIIIIIIIIIIDAY! I am feeling pretty excited tonight since I feel like I’m actually on my way to good health again. *squee*
I didn’t feel like going for a long walk this morning so Katie and I headed outside so I could go tell the manager about our A/C… then we walked around the apartment complex then came back to our apartment building and hung out by our “mini backyard” and “side yard” to sit in the sun for a while then we came back in.
Potty training with Katie has become a vicious cycle of defiance and stress so I decided to start trying the NAKED approach. After coming back inside, I set her up in the entryway of our apartment with her toys, potty and bare bottom! I want to keep her in the entryway since it’s linoleum and the living room is CARPET and I am not cleaning up pee puddles out of the carpet. SHE DID GREAT and it’s such a relief to me from all the usual potty defiance stresses from her. Hopefully this will get her into BIG GIRL PANTIES and able to use the potty on her own – AND OUT OF PULLUPS except for nap/night time. The day after day stressful cycle we’ve been going through really takes it toll on me AND HER. I feel good about this approach.. we’ll see.
Morning went by fast and then ate my awesome egg messy mix for lunch… mm mmmm!! OH, and the maintenance man dropped by AND GUESS WHAT. Our a/c compressor is almost DEAD SO they ordered us A NEW UNIT and he’s going to install it early MONDAY, WOOOOOO. For now, he brought us the 2 box fans we had to use a few weeks ago and so we turned off the air. It’s deffo very, very warm in the apartment but we’re trying to get as much air circulating. I cannot WAIT to be completely COOL….
Katie went down for her nap > I took my bath > then started laundry, called Mom, and took my weekly quiz for college! Later, Brad came home and we got ready to drop Katie off @ Mom’s and HEAD OUT FOR shoppingz! Before we left, I made an EASY PEASY wrap… inside was a mix up of hummus, tuna+sardine and 3 tablespoons of ground FLAXseed! It was delish!!!
I am SURROUNDING my diet in as much omega’s as I can – ESPECIALLY omega-3’s but need to balance them all out.

- WALNUT oil !!!
- sunflower seed butter
- Kind bar almond PLUS flax
- omega-3 eggies
- vegan sausage
- TRUVIA !!!
- TEMPT hemp milk
- cultered cottage cheese
Since I had already eaten dinner before we left… I focused on choosing something for DESSERT from Whole Foods. I finally found the MAMMA CHIA drink I’ve been wanting to try since seeing it on someone’s blog so I grabbed that and then pondered over something else and went with a mini container of blood orange sorbert!! THE CONTAINER AND BITTY BITTY SPOON WERE SO CUTE!!

Wal-Mart goooooooodies >>

- pink LADY apple (my fav!) + peaches
- unsweetened almond milk.. my love!
- FLATOUT wraps
- stir-fry veggies
- TUNA, herring, sardines
- spinach/arugular mix
- edamame
- roasted red bell pepper hummus
We also went out to the garden section and looked at some beautiful flowers…

I’m excited to try all my NEW GOODIES and of course, I’ve been doing more research about EFA deficiency and I read that it takes 7-10 days for the levels to start to pick up and up to 3 weeks for the “symptoms” to be lifted. I’m excited… excited to be as uplifted, happy and spiritual as I know I CAN BE but haven’t been able to because my body has been all messed up without the right EFA’s. It really does affect every part of the body when you don’t have those EFA’s for so long… like me.
I’m just thankful. Thankful to be alive. Thankful for mistakes… they have taught me lessons and I can take these health lessons and APPLY them to my future career(s) in Health and Wellness. That is WHAT I WANT TO DO is to get out there and HELP people change their lives so they can be their TRUE SELVES and we all are MEANT TO BE HEALTHY AND HAPPY !!!!!!!
We all are beautiful. We are all special… we are all children of God. There is so much more to life than just living… it is a wonderful, wonderful thing If we only realize how precious we (and our lives) really are.