Good Sunday evening !!
We got up bright and early to head out for church… and of course had a great time. I love going to the Lord’s house and learning, growing, and hearing all about The Gospel. I’m so thankful for the church. SO THANKFUL. My teaching partner was back for primary so she taught their lesson today. After church, we had some matters to take care of with the leaders of the church so we got that done then I talked to one of the sisters about our new calling and grouping up sometime to go together! I can’t wait!!!
We came home real quick.. I was starving and we needed to put cash into the auto-deposit at our bank so I ran in, grabbed the check + a piece of millet bread with a little almond butter then we did that and came back home. Katie, of course, was already tired and cranky when we got home… that’s always fun. She had a snack and went down for nap. Ate my lovely egg/sausage/cottage cheese/veggie mess then finally got to sit down for a bit. Meanwhile, Brad passed out on the couch. I eventually went and laid in bed to take about an hour nap too. When I got up, I decided to have a small bowl of Kashi GOLEAN cereal with almond milk and cinnamon.
Sunday afternoon and evenings are always laid-back! I started reading on my college material and finished the first introduction post. I switched Katie’s toy bins out and so after she got up and ate, she was occupied because she hasn’t played with those toys in months.
My dinner was a bit FISHY……

We’ve been trying to keep as cool as possible. I cannot WAIT until tomorrow morning for the maintenance man to install our new A/C so we can finally have a REALLY ‘COOL’ APARTMENT FOR ONCE. The only time our apartment has been really, really comfortable was when we first moved into the apartment back in early spring. It will be NICE.
Dessert, you ask? OH YES. I took a cup of FAGE yog, packet of TRUvia, 1 tsp of strawberry natural jam and a sprinkle of vanilla protein powder…… mix up REAL GOOD then put into freezer! I let mine sit in there for an hour and 30 minutes then stacked it high on my ice cream cone! ONLY WAY TO GO FOR ME!

Well, well. Once I discovered that I was deficient in essential fatty acids… I will admit that I went overboard with the fat intake. Yes, it was good fat intake but I’m still trying to stick to a calorie limit and need to balance everything out. I wrote the fat down for all my main foods so that I can know exactly how much is in each meal/snack and keep track of it. I am ALL ABOUT keeping track and I LOVE IT. I’d say since I started putting the really good fats into my diet, my fat intake has been prob around 100g… yikes. Or maybe more!!! I wasn’t keeping track. Especially when I started adding the healthy oils, but still, gotta watch those grams.
meal plan: 1700 calories / 6 meals, ~50g fat, ~100-130g protein and the rest for healthy carbs.
Let’s see how this rolls !!! I can FOR SURE tell a difference in how I feel since I added plenty of essential fatty acids into my diet. Have a *little* more energy now, can actually go without food for a few hours without feeling bad and my “symptoms”… don’t know if it was detox, blood sugar or what but *something* made me feel bad inbetween and sometimes with meals but that is getting better. I know controlling my calories and putting in the good fats has played a big part. Just gotta keep moving forward! I’m eager to start losing weight and have some amazing energy again.
I will. I’m sooooo ready to just kick back and relax. Which is JUST what I am about to do, woohooo!