WOO. Started the day with cereal in my new cutesie bowl…

About our A/C… The maintenance man arrived around 9AM this morning and kept waiting and waiting for the delivery. He waited hours! He’d leave, come back… rinse and repeat. They didn’t deliver it until after 3pm! The maintenance man is such a sweet person. I appreciate him being so on top of this and he said he appreciated my patience! THE APARTMENT feels nice and comfortable now. I bet I will sleep better tonight since I won’t be so hot anymore. IT FELT EPIC OUTSIDE THIS MORNING!!! We got a *little* bit of a cool front so it was nice. I put one of the box fans in front of our living room patio screen.
Katie basically watched Blue’s Clues all morning and I got on the exercise bike for a long while… bad idea though since it makes me feel terrible in the evening now that I’m on a certain calorie plan and I think the exercise is really draining me thanks to all my health mess up.
I also did a load of laundry today. This evening involved SALMON!…

I feel pretty terrible. My tongue is the main thing that bothers me… it’s like when your tongue burns and you feel inclined to stick it out? Yea. Not all the time, just randomly. Tonight, my eyes feel buldgy and I’m very tired… when these symptoms usually come about- I turn to food to try to make them go away but nope, I am not giving in because I know this is just bad symptoms from my body trying to straighten out so I’m gonna stick to my GUNS. The stress of this evening (another story….) did not make it better, I am sure. The symptoms seem to be “fading” now except for the tired-ness. Seems I’m only “hit” by these symptoms randomly so I’m thinking it’s either blood sugar or something that only affects me sometimes. Raaah. My body is saying….
Ready for sleep!!!! Think I’ll stick to regular walking for exercise until I see some improvement. I’m thankful for my life and for everything Heavenly Father has given me.