Look how BEAUTIFUL the sky was this morning while I was out walking with Katie !!!

I had to take a picture of that beauty.
Today? Eh… this morning was not that eventful. Katie eventually went down for nap, I went to take a hot bath and almost fell asleep in the tub! I got out then took a LOOOOVELY nap. Brad came home and wanted to head to our Whole Foods to pick up some foods since he’s trying something new diet wise! A trip to WF? YES PLZ. Katie was happy to “go to store” too! I AM SO GLAD WE WENT because I was browsing the supplement section and there was a Whole Food salesman providing information about omega’s !!! I told him my situation and he recommended THREE things! Here is two of them that I picked up:

He recommended since I was dealing with some fatigue to try IRON! OMG. Back up to early this year and December 31st, 2010 I had Brad pick me up iron tablets when he got off work that night and I took one that night and WOKE UP FEELING AWESOME. I continued to take them for a while but then quit so I think I need to build up my iron. Next, he recommended the Udo’s Oil blend – and he said If I only walked out of the store tonight with ONE thing – the oil is IT since it is ESSENTIAL. He also recommended this cleaaaan Whey Protein powder AND when I run out of my current one, I will FOR SURE be picking that up. I also mentioned that I don’t have my gallbladder so he of course suggested I take digestive enzymes and I have been taking those. SO – IRON, OIL BLEND, CLEAN WHEY PROTEIN AND DIGESTIVE ENZYMES! That is my formula! The Udo’s Oil is recommended to be taken 1 tablespoon per 50 pounds of bodyweight so that is 3 for me at almost 150 pounds. He provided GREAT INFORMATION and I am so glad I got to talk with him! He HIGHLY suggested I go ahead and start giving Katie an omega supplement too. I can’t wait to try the iron and oil in the morning! We stopped by Wal-Mart to get a few more things and the checkout lines take foreverrrrrrr!!! It was 10pm when we got home so Brad put Katie straight to bed.
I ate my homemade frozen yogurt for dessert and now just relaxing before bed. I was hoping to watch the newest Secret Life tonight but it’s too late. I might watch it in the morning! I’m so excited that I got some direction from the helpful guy at Whole Foods! That TOTALLY made my day!!!!!!