Take a look at my dessert!

Tonight I say goodbye to heavier carbs! I know I would be better off on the PALEO diet so tomorrow… it begins. I have been thinking about switching but it’s been SO HARD for me to resist carbs lately even though I’ve been trying. Thinking back to 2006, when we tried to get pregnant, I found out I had PCOS so I think my insulin levels are acting wacky again with all this health mess up so the carbs = ONLY MAKING EVERYTHING SO MUCH WORSE to where I can’t lose weight on TOP of not enough good fats. I was looking at supplements that help that last time we were at Whole Foods so I may look into them again when we go shopping. I’M STOKED. I just worry about feeling bad during these first couple days or weeks… but getting rid of all the heavy carbs in the house so I’m not tempted. Actually, we’re going on the Paleo diet AS A FAMILY !!! WOOT.
Anyhow, Brad is waiting on me so we can watch Netflix together! 1,000 ways to die! Just wanted to post about my plan to start the paleo diet… er should I say LIFESTYLE cause it won’t be a diet. I’m gonna stick to it since my body seems to only get worse with carbs so BYE-BYE. Here’s to getting leaner than I’ve ever been! I’ll share my progress along the way.
Earlier today went okie! Katie and I went for our outside walk, I did some college work and talked to Mom on the phone tonight… that’s my highlights. OH and Brad went walking/running tonight in his sexy black workout gear again, lol. Okkkkkkk, have a good nite! See ya tomorrow for updates on my FIRST DAY NO HEAVY CARBS!