Let me just say… I LOVE DAN THE MAN. Check out his youtube channel @ youtube.com/user/liferegenerator !!!! His videos are awesome and he SPEAKS THE TRUTH. I agree with pretty much everything he has to say about life and health.
I have been so messed up health wise since early 2010 and have been searching, searching, searching for the correct supplement or “food set up” that would help me. It all has just lead me right back to where I was – sick again. The veggie juice fast did help the 24 days I was on it, but then I made the mistake of not starting my food intake right after getting back on solid food THEN I decided to try the Paleo lifestyle with meats…… oh no. No no no no. Enter another sinus infection…… no way.
Another GREAT inspiration I have found is 30bananasaday.com!!!! After diving into the forums and watching videos….. YES. I am going straight for the 80/10/10 LIFESTYLE. I want to run off of LOTS of fruits, some greens, and rarely nuts & seeds. I WANT THAT RADIANT HEALTH that sooo many people have obtained through the 80/10/10 lifestyle.
Today was my first day !!! I got up, drank some water then after I got Katie up, I made my first JUICE in a long time. I used: grapefruit, cucumber, romaine and lemon. I can’t properly taste due to my sinus infection but what I did taste was decent. Katie and I went on our morning walk and I feel heavy from eating so much the last 4 days or so but I felt like I wanted to exercise! When we got back, I got on the exercise bike and lightly did a little exercise. Throughout the day today I have eaten nothing but fruit and then after my nap this afternoon, I had a frozen fruit/banana/unsweetened almond milk/little whey protein isolate/maca powder smoothie! What a mouthful. It was awesomeeeee but made me cold. You know, I have felt good today and have actually had bowel movements 2-3 times? Awesome. Brad came home and we loaded up to go to our local Internationl Farmer’s Market to get some GOODIES. My main fruit for the next 10 days or so???

I’m reallllllly, really excited. Also, I’m quite impressed on how GOOD I felt today on nothing but fresh water, fresh fruit, and my frozen fruit/protein shake. AND AND AND I only got a few hours of sleep last night but still was able to do exercise AND wasn’t too tired this afternoon but still took a nap anyway.
Low-fat vegan lifestyle IS FOR ME !!!!!!!! Can’t WAIT to make carrot juice in the morning. Guess I will start trying to do more exercise when my energy gets better and I’ll keep “testing” it out as I go along. It makes me super ecstatic that I can eat FRUIT AND LOTS OF IT AND HAVE RADIANT HEALTH! We are MEANT to thrive off fruit and veggies.
Here’s to health !!!