I decided this morning to get Katie up earlier than usual so I was still finishing my breakfast when I got her set up with breakfast. She ate then went potty and then I got her loaded up in the stroller and we were off to the PARK at 9:30AM! It was still a little cool outside but felt WONDERFUL to me. Walked, walked, walked. It takes about……. 20 minutes to walk there? Maybe? Anyway, we got there and the park was empty! Katie played by herself while I read & listened to music. Getting out into the sunshine is exactly what I needed and still NEED. About 20 minutes before we left, another car pulled up. It was a Mom and 2 little girls- one of them was 4 and the other 2-3? Katie was really happy to play with them. I got Katie back in the stroller (who was protesting quite loudly) and we left the park around 11AM or so.
I gave her some water when we got home then let her sit in her highchair while I did a 10 minute workout on the Wii Active. Afterwards, I set her up with 2 episodes of Blue’s Clues while I got on the bike for ~30 minutes while watching a Secret Life rerun on my phone. LOVE THAT SO MUCH. I was ready for lunch when I was done… was still watching the rest of the episode so I just carried my phone around the kitchen until the episode was over, LOL. Fed Katie lunch and I had mine! Tuna, veggies, and hummus = so good. ALSO, A PEACH!!!!!!!! Me and Katie went and sat in her bedroom floor for about 20 minutes before her nap time so she could color for a bit. She loved it and was not happy when I told her it was time to get in her bed. SO THANKFUL I DON’T HAVE TO LIFT HER HEAVY BUM WAY UP HIGH INTO THAT CRIB ANYMORE. She can just get in/out herself….. oh my arms/back are thankful for that … even though once I get my FITNESS back lifting her will be much easier. She went to sleep and I went to get a hot, relaxing bath to just sit and think. Oh, and a hot bath always makes me sleepy, lol so I went straight to bed afterwards. I woke up a few times since Brad called me on his work break but I got a good nap.
I had a LATE snack of cottage cheese/choco almonds/soy protein and a splash of unsweetened almond milk. OH and cinnamon! I love this combo…… once I get started eating something, I’ll eat it forever. Katie got back up, had her snack, then played with her magazines and toys. HUBBY came home a bit later! Not an eventful evening….
I had more TUNA for dinnnnnnner>>

Katie’s currently looking at a coloring book babbling about Minnie Mouse, Brad is watching something on youtube, and I’m posting this, listening to music, chewing apple pie dessert EXTRA gum, and drinking some cold water.
Dessert (same as yesterday) will be CONSUMED SOON! I seriously need some real FUN / excitement in my life. Don’t ask me what/how/whatevs cause I don’t know… I just know I am CRAVING something NEW. Guess I’ll keep trying to figure that one out.
I’m so thankful for my life. Thankful for another day. Thankful for everything Heavenly Father has given me! I know I am blessed.