Lately, I have been SO BORED (and irritated/annoyed) but have no idea what I want to do. Sigh…..
Yea I could tell that I overdid it yesterday with exercise because I was a bit more tired today, so I decided to just walk on the treadmill instead of walking to the park + Wii Active + more walking on the treadmill like I did yesterday. I may just rest tomorrow since that sounds lovely.
This morning: Piddled online, ate breakfast, got Katie up, fed, dressed then let her play on the porch most of the morning with her toys and bikes. Worked on my college paper for a bit then just browsed Facebook/websites. La la la…. around noon I set Katie up with a movie in her highchair then walked on the treadmill for 40ish minutes while watching a Secret Life rerun on my phone… of course. Washed off real quick afterwards then HURRIDLY fixed our lunches since I was more than ready to eat. I shouldn’t of waited that long but yea. We ate then I put her down for a nap and she thankfully went to sleep without me having to go back in there.
Afternoon: Took a nap and did nooooot want to get back up! Usual stuff… snack time for Katie, snack time for me. She played, Brad came home, and we are just chilling. Katie’s pushing our buttons OFTEN. As USUAL.
DINNER!!! I have posted this meal a couple times over the last few weeks but IT IS A FAVORITE FOR SUUUURE.

Last night while I ate my dessert, I started watching Heavy on Netflix! Think I’ll watch it again tonight, since I am so tired of just sitting and staring at the Internet.
I hope I can get my hormones straight soon so I might feel differently in regards to my life and everything. I’m trying….