I’ve been wanting to HELP someone for a long while… just a desire to give a helping hand. I got up this morning, ate breakfast, got Katie up, worked on my college paper a little, then contemplated how I could help. I thought of my Mom!!! Called her and decided me and Katie would walk on over and I could HELP Mom by cleaning her house, since she isn’t able to like she used to be and I’ve been meaning to clean her house for a long while and never got to it.
Loaded Katie up and we were off!!! I cleaned her bathroom, kitchen, and then dusted off a few areas for her. OH, and vacuumed the whole house. We sat down and talked for a long while after I was done. I meant to leave her house at around 12:45pm… but we got to talking and I didn’t leave till 1:40pm! I was STARVING and I know Katie was too. She was also getting majorly sleepy. I hugged Mom and we were off for the walk home. Of course the minute I got in the door, I had to fix lunch for the both of us in a hurry…. Katie was getting WAY CRANKY. I fed her, ate a little on my lunch, put her down for nap, THEN finished my delicious lunch. It was AMAZING. Tofu, okra, broc florets, hummus, stir-fry sauce, and a little hot sauce. To finish my lunch….. a juicy PEACH! I got a nice shower then decided to take a nap. I only got to sleep about an hour and was soo tired when I woke up. After Katie got back up and ate a snack, Brad came home and I fixed my dinner for on the go since we were heading out. TUNA!!!!!! and veggies!

I’m soooooo tired. What a full, busy day. I’m SO glad I got to help Mom by cleaning her house. I’m about to eat dessert and watch another episode of HEAVY! Of course I must check Facebook/bloggies first! ;D Have a great night!