Yesterday evening, I started to have some tooth/gum pain from CHEWING GUM… well, too much. One of my upper teeth on the left side has been missing a filling for a long time and needs to be fixed ASAP but not sure If our insurance would cover it. My teeth are SUPER sensative and that side especially since it’s missing that filling and If I chew too much gum or use that side too much = PAIN/inflammation that UBER SUCKS. Anyway, I went to sleep with pain and woke up with MORE pain as it got worse as the day went on. I eventually took some asprin this evening and that seemed to help a bit. Really wish I could get all the work I need to for my teeth…. it’s like over 5k tho.
Katie played on the porch this morning and it was nice and cool outside! I worked on my college a bit and tried to distract myself from the pain. Around 11:45AM, I set Katie up in her highchair with toys to watch a movie while I walked on the treadmill and watched a SECRET LIFE rerun on my celly. Went and washed off real quick then fixed LUNCH!!! Eventually got Katie ready for nap and read some scriptures to her… but I don’t think she went to sleep at all – ah well. I WENT TO SLEEP…. went straight and took a long nap and was still in pain when I got up. Atleast dinner was good:

I PRAY that I make some progress towards better hormonal health tomorrow at the Doctor’s office. I actually cannot WAIT TO GO. Then again, I have to also keep in mind that-that gyno may know nothing about PCOS and I may have to go elsewhere, and if that is the case then atleast I will get my girly exam out of the way. I hope they DO know about PCOS and will take blood and go from there…. maybe even go ahead and prescribe me something for hormones?? I’m sure they’d want to take blood first. We shall seeeeeeeeee what happens! Oh, and I even took notes for the Doc LOL. I want her to know ALL ABOUT my situation since she doesn’t know me at all. Well, I’ll ask first if she even deals with PCOS, because if she doesn’t know what it is then she prob doesn’t know what to do.
WILL MY MISERY FINALLY END?!!!!!!! Might I FINALLY be seeing a light at the end of this hormonal MESS UP TUNNEL? I hope so. I pray so. 2010 was HORRID. 2011 has been pretty bad health-wise for me too. I pray that the end of this year is better and 2012 will be super duper awesome. Plz????
Currently eating my delish homemade fro-yo dessert and I think I’m gonna watch another episode of HEAVY!!