…… I have sad, sad news.
Our chinchilla Rocko started acting a little off last weekend, but I didn’t think much of it. This last week he wasn’t eating or drinking as much so I kept an eye on him. I got up today to find him just laying around, not moving much. I tried to pick him up and he didn’t really respond to my touch as much as he usually does. Not good. He only went downhill and passed away a few hours later. I’m heartbroken. We got Rocko January 27th, 2006 and we didn’t expect to buy a chinchilla that day, but we did! HE WAS SO TINY!!!!!!! It took me forever to come up with his name. I already miss him. The house is even quieter without his random noises and running around his cage. He was our little buddy. I’ve never had a rodent live almost 6 years!!! He had a good life. A big cage, plenty of food, water, and toys. He LOVED to be rubbed under his chin and on his face. He was an awesome pet. I wrapped him in one of my old tank tops and we put him in a little box and buried him outside and put a rock to mark his little grave. RIP Rocko… I love you more than you know.

More not-so-good news. I called Mom earlier today to tell her about Rocko and she said she wasn’t doing so good herself. Apparently, the chest pain she had like 2 weeks ago never went away and she said her pulse rate got up to 200 or so today and her usual heart meds for her blood pressure was not helping to bring it down. My Cousin called a bit ago to say that he took her to the ER…… it’s gonna be a long night.
What a day. We kept Rocko on our little table in his big cage in the laundry room. Well, for the first time since we lived in the duplex, back in…. 2006-2007, we used that little table as an ACTUAL table. we all 3 sat at the table and had dinner. It reminded me of Rocko.
Brad and I were talking tonight about possibly making some pretty big life changes. After losing Rocko today and Mom having big health problems and now in the ER, I feel some changes coming. Just gotta hold on.