It has been a good Wednesday! I have been trying to get to bed earlier the last 2 nights, but the earliest I’ve got so far is 10:40pm. Gonna push for earlier tonight, but we’ll see. I’m trying!!!
This morning I finished my college discussions and turned them in, wohooo! Read from my email that my supplements got on the UPS truck at 8AM, so just had to wait, wait, wait. Katie eventually went down for nap, I did some time on the exercise bike & watched my OTH rerun. Had about 10 minutes left of the episode when I got off the bike, so I went and got a shower to shave + wash my hair, then fixed my lunch, finished up the OTH episode and fixed my hair. Got Katie up, fed her a snack, and fixed my protein probiotic shake for a snack later. My church friend was coming over at 4PM and she did! I LOVED having her over! She had a little girl around Katie’s age, and a little boy who is like… 5 months I think. We just chatted, while the girls played.
AND THEN MY PACKAGE ARRIVED, WOHOOO! She stayed for a bit longer then had to go. It was fun!!! It was nice to just talk. Here’s a random pic of Katie I took after they left, lol.

I opened my package after she left & had my protein shake…

There are the supplements my holistic Doc recommended to me. NOT cheap, but totally worth it to heal my body!!!! I know it will work, because I ordered the recycler not long ago, and I can already tell a diff SO no telling how awesome I will feel taking ALL the right things. The X-FLM is to balance my immune system, you can’t just take the X-FLM – you have to know “which side” of your immune system needs balancing. It’s a complicated thing! My holistic Doc helped me figure it out. The Oxicell is cream to apply to my skin to help with antioxidants & other good things. Ultra-D is a SPECIAL vitamin D mix with other goodies in it – that is made especially for people with autoimmune problems. Of course the recycler is to help “recycle” antioxidants in the body and to use them better. I’ll keep ya up to date with how it’s going.
Soooooo, the rest of the day passed by quickly of course. Ate dinner, watched the latest Biggest Loser, and now we’re getting a storm!
Gonna settle down to study my scriptures then go to bed. I’m so blessed. Thank you Heavenly Father for another day!!! I pray for you. I pray for me. I pray for this world. I pray for peace, for myself and others. You are loved… =)