HAPPY V-DAY LOVIES!!! I will admit, even before I met Brad… I have always been a fool for LOVE. I love anything heart-shaped & will be found randomly drawing hearts all over the place, or grinning over a sappy love song/story/poem/etc.
Before I tell of my awesome present, today looked like this:
– slept a bit late once again this morning. whoooops. oh well, worth it!
– worked a tiny on my college paper
– ate too much dark cacao blocks for lunch, lol perfect v-day splurge! <3
– read college material + completed one of my discussions this evening
– had chicken, veggies, and walnut oil for dinner = yum!
– brad & I studied church material
Brad came home with a PRESENT for me behind his back!

It was a letter he typed up, with the best summary of the memory he has of the night of our blind date when we first met! AHHH, he knows I LOVE re-telling, re-living old memories of us and this is PERFECT. I’m gonna keep it forever. Means a lot to me, especially after all the struggles we have been through since 2010 as a couple. Love isn’t easy, but it’s worth it.
“Love isn’t perfect, even diamonds start out as coaalllllll” You said it best, Mr. Boyd! <3 Wishing everyone LOVE and HAPPINESS – not only today, but every day. I’m thankful, grateful, and blessed in so many ways. Thank you Heavenly Father for love. Time to mess online a bit before bed. <333
edit: OH OH. also! after talking with my holistic Doctor, I am going off my low-dose Armour thyroid meds, woot! I didn’t want to take them in the first place, but did before I found out that I need to be focusing on my IMMUNE SYSTEM, not the thyroid. Tonight was my first night not to take the meds – we’ll see how I feel as the days go on. Gonna build up my immune system & *holds breath* I think what I’m doing so far *might* be working, since Brad and Katie are showing signs of cold/sinus trouble again and I’m not (yet) so… come on immune system!!! If I think positive, positive things will happen SO I am focusing on good vibes towards my inner body workings! :]