OMG. We just got home not long ago – what a WONDERFUL evening we’ve had as a family!!! First, we went to WHOLE FOODS, so I could buy coconut flour & a few other things to make: coconut flour pancakes & coconut bread… YUM. We also bought sushi to share for dinner later! <3 Headed out to the MALL!
We went on our own little shopping spree pretty much, but we hardly ever do that so it was SUPER AWESOME. I went and got my haircut and eyebrows waxed! It took forever, but it was the same awesome lady who did my eyebrows last time and we actually both are into health stuff! I LOVE HER. She’s gorgeous too. She did a fantastic job on my hair and eyebrows. I also bought some glossing cream and wax pomade. She didn’t wash my hair, but did a little styling with her tiny straightener & some wax pomade (THAT SMELLS WONDERFUL!!!) and so I had a blast getting that done. Brad bought 3 Wii cheaper Wii games, I bought “Be Enchanted” lotion from Bath & Body Works! Got new heart earrings & Brad bought me…….

A NEW ENGAGEMENT RING! He’s always wanted to buy me a bigger one and I love it soooooooooo much!!!! <333 Umm what else? Brad made the mistake of letting Katie out of her stroller while I was getting my hair/eyebrows done and then she had to go back in – oooooooh big fit. We went to the food court to sit down and eat our SUSHIIIIII! I fed Katie yogurt and apple & she loved it! Stopped by GNC and got liquid multi-vitamin and liquid calcium/magnesium/vitamin D, since my hairdresser recommended the calcium combo to take before bed – she said it really helped her sleep AND energy levels! It was getting way late, but wanted to run by Wal-Mart to get a few more things. Got a loaf pan for my coconut bread, plus a few new clothes for Katie! We really need to buy her a new pair of regular & church shoes, but we couldn’t find her size, bah!!!!!! That’s usually how it goes. Brad finally got what he wanted… an airsoft gun set for safety – he’s in heaven lol. I got hair dye! I’m gonna try dark blonde and see what happens, in fact – it’s in my hair right now, and i’ve got a bit more time before I go wash it out… dun dun dun. Then, tomorrow I’m gonna add frost highlights! :]

I know Katie had a blast too.. she did so well overall, except for the fit because she didn’t want back in the stroller haha. OH, and while we were in Sears, there was a woman with 3 kids and one of them was in a wheelchair & I heard her say, “Can I get some help her? My daughter is throwing up” Brad goes to try to find someone and then an employee comes over and… doesn’t.. do anything????! Brad goes down the escalator and to the bathroom to get her a whole roll of paper towels. While he was gone, all the employee could find was the little wipes….. yea, that’s not gonna get it. Brad comes back and she thanks him over and over. Brad is such a great person. I almost cried because of what he did for that lady.. he didn’t have to go all the way to the lower level to the bathroom, but he did. <333 I love him so much.
I can’t believe it’s almost midnight! YIKES. I’ve gotta buckle down tomorrow and get started on my college stuff for the week. Also have laundry to fold and put away, so Tuesday will be a busy one! Off to wash my dye out and see what it looks like, eeek!!! I’m so very thankful, grateful, and blessed for everything Heavenly Father has granted me and for days like this! <3