This morning was a pretty LAID BACK one! Niiiiiiiice. I went over to visit with my neighbor this afternoon and we got in-depth about religion. It was interesting and not so bad! I usually feel kindof intimidated but I really love talking about The Gospel. Oh, and I had quite the tummy ache off and on today thx to PMS – but the thing is that hasn’t happened to me in a LONG TIME. PMS used to (like before Katie) cause me tummy aches every time that time of the month rolled around towards the beginning of my cycle, so guess my hormones are getting back into place! I also had my FRESHLY JUICED celery/cucumber/lemon mix this morning when I first got up. ANYHOW – after the visit with my neighbor… back home to get things gathered and ready for another evening at the gym! However, we were late since Brad also got to talking to my neighbor about The Gospel and so we were almost an hour later than usual, lol but it’s all good, since it was about The Gospel!!! We were both READY to go work out!!!!!!!! STATS >>>
warmup, elliptical, 10 minutes, 1.41 miles, 111 calories
bicep curls – 3X, 40lbs, 10 reps
pectoral fly – 3X, 30-40lbs, 10 reps
low row – 3X, 50lbs, 10 reps
tricep extensions – 3X, 40lbs, 10 reps
lateral raise – 3X, 30lbs, 10 reps
tricep pullsdowns – 3X, 25lbs, 10 reps
pinwheel – 15lbs, till max
hammer curls – 15lbs, till max
clean press lift – 20lbs till max
barbell bicep curls – 20lbs, till max
virtual bike – 26 minutes, 5.37 miles, 225 calories
elliptical – 21 minutes, 2.64 miles, 205 calories
My arms got a good burn and I TORE IT UP with the cardio! My heart rate didn’t get as high on the virtual bike as usual, but it was realllllly working my thighs/glutes, so that’s an extra plus. I was FLYING on the elliptical and almost my whole shirt front and back was soaked when I got done. THAT IS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT !!!!!!! THAT is what I want. After I was done, Brad had ordered a smoothie (that had chocolate and peanut butter in it), so I had a few sips. YUM. We talked and goofed around with the staff at the front desk for a bit then headed out. I was already getting cold from all the sweat, but it was actually kindof COOOOOOOL outside so I was really cold by the time we got to the car, brr.
Feeling pretty good tonight! I actually felt LIGHTER after tonight’s workout, woot woot. Still waiting on my thyroid supplements! I HOPE they come tomorrow or Friday, yes! And from just looking at the tracking email.. looks like it might come tomorrow, WOOOOOOOOOO. Rah, well.. my tummy is starting to hurt again, so I’m off to get my hot bath, relax, and settle down to get ready for bed. What an AWESOME evening!!!! I’m already excited for the weekend, just because! =) Another AWESOME day food wise – keep on keepin on.. not gonna give in. Not tomorrow or the next day OR THE NEXT DAY.
Thankful for everything Heavenly Father has given me. I know my life has a purpose and I want to be a better person a little bit each day and I know I can be when I rely on The Gospel and Heavenly Father to guide me!!! Know that Heavenly Father LOVES YOU and wants the best for you! Let your light shine … the world can always use more LIGHT to help eliminate the darkness AKA wickedness, that only produces anger, hate, etc and we want LOOOOOVE! Hope everyone has an excellent night!