Ack, I forgot to blog yesterday! I meant to and I thought I did, until I sat down this morning and realized that I didn’t haha. ANYWAY – hope all the Dad’s out there had a good Father’s Day yesterday! Brad slept late and I did my college quiz. I made him a Father’s Day homemade card =) and even Katie drew on it! Heh. We decided to go SWIMMING!!! We were out there for 3 hours and then I was ready to come home and eat. It was totally fun! Ummm today I looked over my college stuff for the week ahead and washed 2 loads of laundry. Ate a bit too much Friday… did OK Saturday, but yesterday I went way overboard. ALMOST stayed on track today, but ate too much/too many carbs around lunch. However, I feel good tonight! As I’ve said before, just gonna keep trying! GYM WAS GOOOOD tonight >>>
warmup, elliptical, 10 minutes, 1.24 miles, 110 calories
pectoral fly – 3X, 55lbs, 10 reps
tricep pulldown – 3X, 20lbs, 10 reps
bicep curl (pulley) – 3X, 20-25lbs, 10 reps
rotary cuff – 3X, 10lbs, 10 reps
tricep pulldown (different) – 3X, 30-35lbs, 10 reps
squats & squat jumps – till max
** free weights **
bent over rows with tricep kickbacks, upright rows, shoulder press, pinwheel – 3X, 12lbs, 10 reps
** /end free weights **
virtual bike – 24 minutes, 4.53 miles, 231 calories
treadmill – 28 minutes, 2.05 miles, 249 calories
HECK YEA! The bike route was pretty hard and had some tough hills.. my heart rate got up into the 170’s but I think I can handle a bit higher heart rate now, since I’m getting better. We’ll see. I’m wanting to do the treadmill more!!!!!!!!!! I might even do ALL my cardio on the treadmill at some point, like once a week. LOVE IT. I had a bit of Brad’s THICK smoothie afterwards and we hung out and talked to the front desk guy before coming back to get Katie & put her to bed.
Just gotta MAKE myself stick to my food plan. MUST MUST MUST. Hope you had a wonderful Monday!!!!!! PEACE & LOVE!