Saturday we went to a pet place we LOVE to go to and I fell in love with….

A BABY GIRL FERRET! We named her Echo 🙂 and I love her!!! She turned 12 weeks old yesterday and is so cute and fun.
On the down side, I’m sick….. AGAIN. Katie is finally starting to feel better, but now Brad and I are getting it. I don’t feel as bad as I did yesterday, but still rough. UGH I JUST GOT OVER GETTING SICK and now I’m sick again, great. It’s also making my weight loss stall again, but eh what can ya do. Only 8 more days on the HCG drops!!!
HAPPY APRIL – I can’t believe how super fast March went by. Today’s agenda: finish up college paper, wash Katie’s laundry, try to rest, wash/style my hair, and look over the material for my college class that starts tomorrow. Would LOVE to watch The Walking Dead season finale and Game of Thrones premiere tonight, but Brad has to do his college paper and has a long way to go… it’s due before midnight tonight, so think that’s what he will be doing this evening.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter and an awesome start to APRIL!!!!!!!!