ZOMG – here I am again! Seriously, I have been meaning to blog for weeks, but I am literally either too tired or just not wanting to do anything (even blog) by the end of the day.
I seriously need a new theme, but I can’t edit my wordpress theme files… says I don’t have permission so I guess I need to download an FTP program and mess with the permissions. I’d like to get back into coding and theme-making, but I think I’ll be more motivated when my health improves.
FIRST UP~ I did go to my appointment after my last post and get my vitamin/mineral test results. I am deficient in all my B vitamins, especially B6 – which is the “feel good” vitamin. I’m also low in the antioxidants: glutathione, selenium, and vitamin E, so I got the vitamins I needed. Also, I had been taking my thyroid meds at the wrong time, but I’m going to wean off of them and see how I do cause I know I can get everything balanced without them. I’m so happy I was able to get the vitamin and mineral test done. I recently started taking digestive enzymes and a liver detox supplement and it has made a BIG difference in how I feel, but I made the mistake of adding certain spices to my food and it set off the usual… sore throat, chills, feeling weak. I honestly feel and believe my weak LIVER has so much to do with my problems, along with the deficiencies so I’m gonna continue to take the liver support. I’m working to get back to my best!!! Support the liver, get the right foods and vitamins, then kick butt in life and fitness. <3 Never give in, never give up. Here's our awesome new 2014 Toyota Corolla

Our Katie D turned SIX Sunday, May 18th!!!!!!!!

Then, she GRADUATED KINDERGARTEN the next day

Her big b-day present was a Leap pad 2 and a My Little Pony math game for it! She had a full school day Monday, then half-day Tuesday & today – plus today was the LAST DAY! HELLO SUMMER!!! I took her out to practice riding her bike yesterday and she’s getting better at it, but it wore me out. It sucks that when I eat certain things that it can ruin my energy that quick. It’s ridic. Today was the same… I went out with the church missionaries and had an awesome time visiting different people! However, it went on much longer than thought and it was past my dinner time, plus I was out in the heat and used a lot of energy talking, so I don’t feel the best right now but that’s ok. I just need to rest up. Brad was worried about me, since he got home this evening and didn’t know where I was, or Katie. I meant to text him, but my phone was in their car and we were out talking to someone. Woops.
WHAT ELSE! I’m stoked for the new season of Extreme Weight Loss with the Powell’s! Game of Thrones is awesome… the Bones finale was intense, and I’m PISSED they are cancelling Revolution! Loving Chicago PD <3 College is going great and I'm going to start into my minor classes soon, which is Psychology! I'm really interested to learn more about it. Also, me and Brad are doing wonderfully <3 Love him lots. Alright, well I'm off to fiddle online a bit then go to SLEEP. <3