** ~ HAPPY NEW YEAR ** ~~ Wishing everyone the best for this new year, woot woot.

Goals for this year:
– get my driver’s license & job
– more spiritual time
– make time for exercise
– keep tweaking my lifestyle to help health
– possibly get braces?!?!

I have missed blogging every day and I admit that most of 2014 I felt like doing little to nothing… I have to try more. I didnt have much written on this blog for 2014, so I missed out on documenting various events, even if it’s boring – it’s for me!

I decided instead of eating vegan that I am going to eat with the way that makes me feel comfortable, which includes some healthy fats and healthy carbs. Work on overall balance and keep adjusting until I find something that works to help me feel great and lose weight. I’m gonna keep trying damnit. =)

What did my first day of 2015 consist of? I planned on getting up at 8:30AM, but I didn’t get up till a little after 10AM. Brad said he tried to get me up earlier, but I had no clue! I got up and played LOTRO for a bit before getting Katie up, fed, then she watched a My Little Pony movie. We just hung out all day, basically. We went out for a walk together this evening and saw my cousin outside playing with his flying mini-copter. Walked then came back to go pick up stamps then headed over to get food for dinner from Whole Foods. Came back home to eat.. and I am stuffed! I also had an energy drink.. even tho prob not a good idea, but it was good. It was one of the more natural-energy based drinks from Whole Foods. I wrote my church letters then got those sent off, along with putting rent in the front door of the apartment office. I need a new wall calendar now!

This year will be exciting! Brad and I will GRADUATE FROM COLLEGE with our Bachelor’s, Katie will start 2ND GRADE, and we might see about moving soon. Cheers to a new year! I keep hoping that each new year will get me closer to being able to lose this extra weight and RUNNNNN again. I’ll keep striving for that now! 15 is my favorite number after all ;D