So, the time I posted was 2020.

It’s been almost 4 years …

2021 I became an ex-wife even though that is not what I wanted for our family.

2022 I trusted someone else to start a new life with, became pregnant with twins, lived in his wife’s house for part of 2022, only for him to change his mind, say I’m not his problem, and then I ended up homeless and scrambling by myself with all 5 of my kids, including newborn twins.

I gave birth alone for the first time. So much has impacted me since 2021, so many tears cried.

My church friends in Alabama said they would help me so in November of 2022, with the help of church people in Florida and Alabama, I moved back to the same town in Alabama my ex and I had lived when Katie was little. A lot of memories here.

For the first time in my life I have my own place. My OWN. I lost most of my belongings, things that I can never get back that were from my childhood, and things that my ex and I had bought over our almost 18 years together. Those were left behind because there was not enough room and I was out of time to leave. It still makes me sick… the rest of my stuff was left behind in Florida because again, there wasn’t enough room and a lot of it was ruined.

My life has felt like the Twilight Zone but I’m stronger than ever.

Leaning on God and relying on faith has brought every blessing I have into my life and I’m forever grateful.