Yesterday was Brad’s 1st day back to work and what a day! I took a few mini naps during the morning when Katie would go to sleep but I’m not used to such little broken sleep… yet. Brad came home for his lunch break and after he left to go back to work I was feeling more upbeat and awake. I couldn’t wait for him to come home though! My plan was to get a little sleep in the afternoon once Brad came home from work well yesterday was our 2nd baby shower at 5:30PM. Brad comes home at about 2:45PM and I wanted to watch Dr. Phil then by 4PM it was time to get ready to go so I didn’t get a chance to sleep. Brad had Katie with him laying on the couch when I went to get a shower. When I got out, him and her were zonked out. It was so sweet. A sight like that is worth a million words. I let Brad sleep till 5PM then woke him up so we could get ready to head out to the 2nd baby shower! The shower was good — I’d like to post things from both baby showers but haven’t had a chance to sort through them yet! Here’s a pic of the 2nd baby shower cake! BTW, Brad’s Aunt Mary (who planned our wedding & baked our wedding cake) also baked this cake! :]

And then sheesh we didn’t get home until after 9PM! I wanted to get a few hours sleep before Brad had to go to bed and I was gonna lay down after we got home but then we had to love on each other. Since having Katie I’ve just felt this huuuge even MORE sexual attraction to him. We gotta wait 6 weeks tho until I get birth control. Don’t want another baby ATM haha. It’s just that he has been such an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G husband and father. I love him sooooooooooo so sosososoososo much. I did wind up laying down around 10:15PM and he let me sleep till after midnight then he went to bed himself. Miss bitty girl Katie is currently zonked out in her crib. Here’s a pic of her earlier today with her chubby chub belly!

Later today my MIL is taking me for Katie’s 1st baby appointment! Can’t wait to see how much weight she’s gained! :] <3
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