Before I post about anything else…… I want to take a moment on my blog to remember 9/11/2001. 10 years.. my goodness. I still remember that morning so clear. I was sitting in my 10th grade English class, when the History teacher across the hall told us to turn on the TV’s. There it was. One of the towers in a smokey fog. I remember that my Mom had recently been in the hospital and my Aunt had come from Georgia to watch over me while she was in the hospital. I just can’t believe it’s been 10 YEARS?! My heart and prayers go out to all those who lost someone on 9/11. I pray for our country every day.
I have to say today was great. Really great!!! And not in a sarcastic tone, just happy. We went to church… and I realized this morning I LEFT my scriptures at church last Sunday. Woops. After first hour, I talked to a friend of mine then went on a search for my scriptures but didn’t find them. After the 3rd hour, they were found, thank goodness. Brad got sustained for his new calling after church then we made our way home. I ate 2 muffins for breakfast before we left for church… one egg scramble muffin and the other with peanut butter and I wasn’t even hungry when we got home! WOW, yea, hormones are changing for sure….. yes!!! I even organized Katie’s room when we got home. PLUS- we did something big today……
WE TURNED KATIE’S CRIB INTO A BED !!!!!!! Big step for a big girl! Brad took off the side rail and she sat in her rocking chair and watched me organize her clothes. Once I was done, I fixed her a snack then she took her first NAP in her big girl bed. I had to go in there a couple of times to tell her to stop playing and go to sleep but that’s any every day thing anyway.
I finally decided to fix some lunch closer to 3? I think? Check it.

Check out the big girl in her crib turned bed!

Just finished this AH-MAZING dessert not long ago…

I cannot EXPRESS how happy I am that my appetite is calming down. Plus Aunt Flo is really putting on a show… let’s just say I wanted to get out of church as soon as it was over ASAP… ugh.
GET READY FOR MONDAY!!!!!!!! I’m excited to get lots of exercise this week, wooohoo! Hope your weekend has been great! Know that God loves you. Thankful for my life.
Aww her bed is adorable and so is she! Yum your dessert looks awesome!