Welllllllll. Today did not turn out so well! We wanted to go out this evening to finally “celebrate” our birthdays but wound up with a very tired, cranky, screaming baby so our trip had to be cut short and so now our evening does not have a good tone to it, meh. We did get to go to a Kroger and look around and WOW, I wish we had one close. I bought some protein bars including like 5 different Lara Bars in yummy flavors! Can’t wait to try them so I’m just excited because of that!
I did run 3 miles today on the treadmill so I’m stoked and I ran for 2 miles straight, YES!!! Also happy I got all of my online work done earlier today and I have a load of laundry going.
Good news is that our dental insurance is accepted by the dentist we want to go to so I can finally get started soon with getting my teeth taken care of!
Oookie, time to go start dinner and see what I can find to do!
Aw that’s a shame you had a bad day! I guess sometimes babies have to disagree with their parents sometimes. Not every day is perfect but at least you had a few highlights. 🙂
I get obsessive over fruit bars… especially the fruit and nut ones. I don’t want anyone else to eat them because they’re THAT delicious!
That’s good to hear about the dentist! Not many people like going but to be honest I love going… probably because my teeth are fine! hahaha!