I gotta get to bed, but today was good! VERY pretty day. I fiddled online this morning, did some college work before Katie’s lunch time. I did my exercise while she was napping, and then got a hot bath and watched a rerun of ONE TREE HILL! Also had my lunch smoothie. After she got up and had her snack, we went outside for a bit, since it was soooooo beautiful outside. Brad came home and we took her to Mom’s while we went shopping.
We went by Microcenter first, so I could get a new little MOUSE for my computer and Brad got a stylus pen set for his cellphone. Off to Wal-Mart… bought groceries then A LATE XMAS PRESENT FOR US BOTH —–
WE GOT BIKES!!!!! We’ve been wanting them for along time, so we figured as a late present to ourselves, we would get them. I also want to buy a new digital camera because ours is about to POOP out. I’m so excited to biking! ALSO, we bought a child seat to go on one of our bikes, so we can take Katie with us!!! :]
Alright, well I’m gonna get my butt to bed, since I’m trying to keep this sleep thing consistent and this is the latest i’ve gotten to bed this week. GOODNIGHT!
I’m so excited about your bikes! I know you are going to have such a great time with them! 😀