HAPPY FATHER’S DAY to all the Father’s out there including my handsome Husband!
Of course my Heavenly Father is my ETERNAL Father – but as far as a Father… I don’t know who my birth Father is. I barely know my birth Mother. The only Father I’ve ever known is my Grandpa. I didn’t know he was my Grandpa until I was 18. Long story. He passed away when I was a child and I know in the afterlife I will finally get to know him.

I’m thankful for Brad, too. He is a very loving Father to Katie and has a lot more sympathy and compassion than I do in regards to parenthood, hah. I am thankful that Katie has that Father to run up to. Speaking of Katie… she has been a hellion today. She is a PERFECT ANGEL for everyone else except us. I guess that’s how it goes though, right? She’s usually *pretty* good for me when Brad is at work. Still the usual tantrums but today it has been one defiant move after another from her. Brad just put her to bed and she’s screaming her head off…. oh the joys of parenthood.
OK day I guess besides the parenting stresses. I got to sleep in later this morning since we didn’t have church!! I wanted to keep sleeping but I had to get up. Brad got to sleep in…. haha so I guess that can be his Father’s Day gift. I got up with Katie then she went and played on the porch after the usual – oh and lots of fits inbetween. I did a colon cleanout while Katie was napping and eventually started reading my college chapter for the upcoming school week. We went to Wal-Mart this evening since Katie needed pull-ups. We also bought her a WALL mirror to hang in the living room since Mom has one at her house and Katie LOVES IT. She will entertain herself for hours so we got a small one. Also, few groceries including more of my herbal fruity tea and I BOUGHT BERRIES!!!! I can’t have most fruits but I CAN have berry juices! I bought strawberries, blueberries and raspberries. Brad got some contact solution and an air pump for the car tires and whatever else needs air! We came home and I went straight to trying out my juice! I’ve been on nothing but veggie juices but since I CAN have the berries… I will deffo juice those. I can’t wait to be able to EAT actual berries. I juices 1 big strawberries, handful of blueberries and a few raspberries then mixed it with unsweetened vanilla almond milk… it was okay! Not that sweet but there wasn’t much fruit juice but more almond milk so I’ll add less almond milk next time. YUM YUM.
I’m about to make my tea, relax and get ready for a new week!!! I just have this week and next week then next FRIDAY will be my last day on the cleanse, wheeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! I’m so thankful for my Heavenly Father. I’m thankful for my Grandpa for all he did for me while he was still alive. RIP Grandpa, I love you.
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