Last night, Brad and I went to bed but neither one of us was tired so when we can’t sleep we’ll rub each others backs and legs. It is soooo soothing and relaxing. Which eventually lead to more intimate things, heh. Afterwards, we still weren’t tired and wound up getting online until almost 3AM. Of course we still had to get up bright and early this morning but we both surely did not want to get out of bed!
Before I SPILL on my Thursday, I just want to say how THANKFUL I am that my appetite has went back to “normal”. Before the cleanse, I could never really get satisfied or full unless I stuffed myself. Sounds bad… and it was for a time period. Now I can fix a big salad for lunch, eat only half of it and already have my dinner! That is so awesome to me!!!! It’s so nice to be satisfied with small portions again. I had gotten that way before after I first lost my big chunk of weight and in early 2010… small portions REALLY filled me up. Then everything went haywire. Now I know if it happens again, which, I’m gonna try to make sure it WON’T… BUT if it does then I’ll just do another juice cleanse.
OK! Thursday! I ate breakfast then went back to sleep, as usual. After getting Katie up then letting her have her daily bowel movement… haha we got ready to go TO THE PARK! I snacked on some fruit and had cooked some quinoa earlier so I fixed a little bowl of that mixed with greens and veggies.

I was still kindof hungry so I grabbed a strawberry and a DATE before we headed out the door! (I should of eaten more tho!..)

We arrived and I let Katie go to it! There were only a handful of other kids that would come and go the whole time we were there. Eventually, we walked around an area right beside the park with trees and SHADE to hang out there for a while. I called Mom to say hello and decided to go ahead and leave to go drop by her house for a visit! She had wanted me to help her clean house last Sunday but then she got sick so I figured I’d go over and see what I could do before It was time to take Katie home for a nap. Katie ate lunch when we got to Moms and I talked with Mom and my Aunt for a bit… Mom said we could wait on the cleaning since It was almost time to head back home anyway. Hopefully I can come by Sunday to help her after church like we had planned last Sunday. Katie pouted a bit before we left but pretty soon we were loaded up and walking towards home. I stopped right before we reached the entrance to our apartments to take a picture of this beautiful tree!

I WAS STARVING by the time we got home! Actually, I had started to get pretty hungry when we left the park. I’ve gotta be sure to get FULLY fueled up before leaving out on walking trips like that! I came straight in the door and took a bite of my Luna Vanilla Almond bar I had leftover from yesterday. IT WAS SO GOOD. I had to rushrushrush to get Katie on the potty, put things away, get her down for nap, nibbled more on the Luna bar, nibbled on watermelon, fixed my SALAD lunch then got ready to make my shake shake shake to go with it.

All set to go! I get to sit down?!! Yipppeee! I sat down, sweating and smelling like sunscreen BUT I GOT TO EAT a yummy salad! I had already nibbled on that Luna bar + watermelon so I could only eat a little bit of my salad so I could drink my fiber shake then put the rest of the salad in the fridge to save my DINNER. I refreshed with a shower and got to lay down for a nap… oh It was nice but I woke up a little hot.
SO what do you do when you have leftover lemons??

JUICE THEM!!! I made a pitcher of lemon + ginger water that is sitting in our fridge chillin. Lemon is goooooood for you! Brad’s actually drank a glass or two of it tonight. Speaking of Brad, he came home from work and cracked the fresh coconut that’s been sitting in the drawer of our fridge! Well, first, we drained the coconut water of course. The result of a juicer and the “meat” of the coconut?????

COCONUT cream AND homemade, fresh coconut SHAVINGS. I loooooove the shavings! I had made some before I went on the cleanse and couldn’t wait to make some more since the other batch went bad due to me only consuming juice and all… do you SEE the GREEN in that photo? Brad stopped by the store after work and GOT ANOTHER WATERMELON. He knows how much I love them, lol.
This evening: ate my salad while preparing the coconut stufffffffff, did a little college work, put my raw oatmeal dessert mess in the freezer, watched Brad cut up the watermelon and taste tested as he chopped and I just finished eating the YUMMY YUMMY raw oat dessert. I still have room for more watermelon!
I can’t WAIT to go grocery shopping with my LOVELOVELOVE tomorrow after he gets off work! ROLL ON FRIDAY, yes! I think my Mom is thinking about keeping Katie Friday evening and for a SLEEPOVER and for all of the usual SATURDAY. That will be nice! I know Katie would LOVE that. She did NOT want to leave Granny’s house today….. heh.
I’m so thankful for my life. I owe it all to my Heavenly Father. I’M THANKFUL FOR BEAUTIFUL, HEALTHY FOOOOOD.
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