Well hey guys! Sorry I haven’t been posting lately…. just haven’t been really modivated to and I’ve been STILL attempting to come up with a layout. I think I MAY have SOMETHING started but I haven’t had time to even start to finish it. :blink: :BLAH:
As far as Brad, he’s doing alright. This Tuesday, his ribs started really hurting him so he took a day off from work that day and then whaddya know, his back/neck started bothering him Wednesday. Friday morning was awful.. he was hurting so bad he couldn’t hardly do anything and he wound up in tears.. I didn’t know what to do. He went to work but they told him to go to the ER and the doc told him he had ripped muscles in his back so he’s got meds now and I hope my baby can get better ASAP. I can’t stand to see him hurt so much and he’s been hurt soooo much over the past 6 months or so. I’m hoping everything will calm down and he won’t get hurt or have anymore pains. *crosses fingers*
We were gonna go to Tupelo to Petsmart earlier tonight (Friday) but It was storming so we headed over to his Grandmas house just incase it was gonna get bad but it just rained, rained, rained with lightning and thunder. It’s still raining now with little bits of thunder and lightning.
We’re gonna get up later today (morning) and head to Petsmart then onto my Moms house!!! We’re gonna take our puppy Dax with us. The town my Mom lives in (where I graduated High School) has a Railroad Festival every April and we’re gonna go to it tomorrow!!! :grinny: I’ll probably see a LOT of people I know from High School so it should be interesting to say the least. Hopefully we’ll have a good time.
I hope everyone has a great weeeeekend!!!!
I’ll try to update more often. Sorry this blog hasn’t been all that interesting, lol.
I’m gonna go for now.. probably head to bed soon so we can get up and get ready to go!
Till next time, later!! :grinny: :MUAH:
I hope Brad feels better soon! He must’ve really been in pain if his muscles are ripped.
Railroad festival, huh? I’ve heard of stuff like that before, but i’ve never gone to one.