Brad came home today and we tried to calculate money and get bills and things situated. I thought Meg and Gat were gonna come along but apparently something came up? Have no idea. So! Brad and I got everything together then left for Tupelo!
Hubby was pretty worn out from work so he was kindof ugh-ish. We got to Petsmart and looked around for a long while. Altogether.. chin + dust bath + water bottle + food = EXPENSIVE. We thought about it long and hard. Attempted to try to figure out how much we would have left for food/gas/laundry after this big purchase.
We asked someone to come let us look at the chin. They had 2 chins Tuesday and only had 1 now. It was SO TINY!!!!! Smaller than our last chin, Max! I was like OMG SO CUTE!!!! I wanted it sooo badly! The girl let us hold him and SQUEE!!!! He had poo on his feet though so I got it on my hands, ewie! Talked to the girl about animals a bit then kept lookin at hubby, lol. He FINALLY SAID WE COULD GET HIM, YES!!!! So got all the paper work, yaddda yadda! Went to get all the other things little guy needed then checked out. Sheew. Big chunk of money right there, hah. I kept almost freaking out because I know this is a big purchase and how I was afraid Brad was kindof mad at me for wanting it but he wasn’t. He looks just LIKE A LITTLE SQUIRREL!!!!!! I bet he’s only about a month? or so?

Stopped by Wally World on the way home and left the chin in the Petsmart box with the truck windows cracked. Thought about bringing him in but nah. We couldn’t spend much on groceries since we used a lot on the babbbbby chin + bills. We went cheap with food this time, haha. But we do have enough to eat for this week so it’s all good. Got home, put away groceries and began to set up his cage. Gave him a niiiiiiice dust bath and OMFG! I forgot how cute and amusing they are to watch while they take their dust baths!!! AWWWWW.
I MUST GIVE him a NAME ASAP!!! That’s what I’m bout to do is look through a list of names I printed off a long while back and attempt to pick out a name for the little bugger
I’m sooo happy!
Kindof sleepy.. got up at 10AM, which is early for me! Anyhow, gonna go now. Later!
Aww he is too cute! I’m glad you were able to buy the Chinchilla. Can’t wait to see what name you’ll give him 🙂
OMG he’s really cute! I’m a ferret girl myself so i know how expensive you’re talking about. Now all you gotta do is come up with a cool name. 🙂
You should name it Porky or Henry:D
Why is your cam image photoshopped so badly? Your whole freaking face is painted on… you can see the line of paint by your forehead…