First off… HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY MOMMY!!! I sent her card off yesterday… I miss her so much!
These hormones are really playing bad on me! I got up this morning and decided to do an aerobic workout on the Wii Active and wow, I really sweated with that since I was moving non-stop for 30 minutes! I set Katie up with a movie then ate a snack, got a shower and called my Mom to wish her a happy birthday! Eventually fixed my lunch and fed Katie too. I waited for Brad to come home for his lunch break since there were 2 big red wasps in Katie’s room and I am not even going to try to attempt to kill them. Brad came home and killed them both and I put Katie down for her nap. After Brad went back to work, I wanted to lay down and take a nap. I went to lay down in our bedroom with the floor fan blowing on me but I was still quite hot with all these hot flashes I’ve been having. I sound like a 50 year old woman! Ugh. I went to sleep for about 30 minutes then woke up to go use the bathroom and wanted to go back to sleep. My heart was jumping like crazy and I was hot. I finally went back to sleep for another 30 minutes but I had a bad dream this time.
It was vivid and scary. In the dream, I was laying in our bed and I got a text message from Brad so I went to check it and couldn’t open it. I went back to lay in our bed and went to sleep then when I woke up, I couldn’t open but only one of my eyes BARELY and I couldn’t move… I knew someone had done something to me and that they were after me. IT FELT SO REAL. Ugh, I HAAAATE dreams like that!!! I woke up scared and my heart was jumping even more than usual after I woke up. I’m still pretty tired.
Plans for this evening?

Got some laundry going and I’m just going to TRY to relax. I’ve got try to reduce my daily stress levels as much as possible. Yes, I stay at home and there couldn’t be THAT much stress from staying at home with ONE child, right?!!! Wrong. When the hormones are out of whack, I get aggitated just because Katie stares at me all day even though I shouldn’t. I’ve just gotta be positive and focus on resting and letting my body and hormones recover. I MUST MUST MUST.
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