Wow. We didn’t have really much of anythign to do today since we got grocery shopping done and all the errands yesterday. This morning I did a workout on the Wii Active and It really kicked my butt! Did all the usual afterwards… and also had some french toast for a snack!

We also have a daddy long leg spidey that’s been living in our kitchen window! He was situated in one spot for a while and now he’s at the top of our kitchen window.

Eventually an old friend of ours dropped by for just a short while. Haven’t talked to him in a really long time. We might try to hang out with him more and I hope so! Anyhow, Brad and I went later outside to play badminton for a bit again then came inside and I folded some laundry, washed dishes… all that housewife stuff. I’M SOOOOOO BORED. Once Katie goes to bed in about an hour, we’re gonna fix dinner and watch a movie together then It’ll be bed time.
I’m way tired too.
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