I’m not a Doctor but I think I have Candida. What is it? It means I have some type of yeast/fungus that has taken over the good bacteria in my digestive system. How did I get this? Well, I don’t have exact answers but I had severe sinus pain last April then we moved into our previous house that had lots of mold that got worse under the bathroom sink that I attempted to clean… without a mask. Bright idea, right?! Possibly the bad bacteria/yeast/fungus… whatever the heck it is has taken over and destroyed the good bacteria in my system that normally keeps me bouncing right back from sickness and keeps my immune system up to par as it should be. Usual blood tests say “I’m fine” but my body is definetly saying OTHERWISE. That’s probably why I’ve had sinus infections over and over and over. What do I do about this? Try to stick with the Candida diet and take PROBIOTICS!!!!!!
Before I continue with that… let’s back up to recap for today. Brad got up and left for work then I eventually got up then Katie as well… yadda yadda. We just hung out this morning until her nap time then I laid down too. OH I also talked to Mom this morning and told her we were going out again and If she’d be willing to watch Katie the same as she did yesterday and she said yes. Brad got home around 5:40 or so then our friend came back to hang out again a little after 6PM then we headed out to the mall so I could go to GNC to get my hands on………..THE AWESOME PROBIOTICS!

These have loooooooots of GOOD bacteria that will help replenish the good into my digestive system. It’s expensive but if it gets me back on track then it is WELL WORTH every penny.
SO YES. We went to the mall to GNC where I got the above product. We wandered the mall then headed out to an International food store for a bit. We got back at 9pm to pick Katie up then we came home and Brad put her to bed. Brad and said friend are playing video games again, lol. I’ve got dinner cooking and can’t wait to eat!
I’m interested to see what the probiotics will do for me!
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