Quick entry because we went to bed super late last night and am about to head straight to bed after I post this! Rundown of the day: Instead of going back to sleep after Brad went to work, I knew I had to play catch-up on my college reading, since we spent the day out and about on Monday soooooo I got Katie up, fed, and etc then started my reading, reading, reading allllll morning. Katie went down for nap, I did a bit of exercise with the Wii Active then on the bike for just a little while starting my OTH rerun! Fixed lunch, got a hot bath & watched the rest of the eppy. Katie got back up & I started mixing my stuff together for……. COCONUT BREAD! Yay! I got that in the oven and Katie set up with a movie then went to fix/style my hair, then onto fold a load of laundry that I didn’t get to fold yesterday. SHEW! Beep beep – the bread was done!

It’s like coconut cornbread! Gluten-free, lower carb, good amount of protein and fiber. AWESOMESAUCEEEE. I finally sat back down to fiddle online and eventually Brad came home and I continued reading between chatting with people and looking at other sites. Multi-tasking FTW!!! Ummmm, by the time all that was done – it was time to get up again and fix mine and Katie’s dinner. I sat down at 7pm to eat and then Brad started playing one of the new Wii games and Katie sat and watched. Brad gave Katie a bath and put her to bed, while I went to study my scriptures for a bit. I was starving, so I ate a small piece of my bread with some warm almond milk…. yum.
We watched the latest eppy of THE WALKING DEAD! AAAAAH SO GOOD. Excellent. Can’t wait for next week, wooo. I’m really hoping for some good sleep. *crosses fingers* That was my busy day! Got assignments to start tomorrow morning and hope to get a good bit accomplished. I’m so happy with the way my bread turned out! Gonna have some for a snack tomorrow with some almond butter. Hope everyone has an awesome night. Remember to be thankful & know that each day we get is a gift. Your life is a gift. Let nothing hold you back from becoming the best version of YOU! Heavenly Father loves you. =)
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