I have been trying to figure out what type of eating lifestyle would be best for me and all my hormonal imbalance with PCOS… I thought the 80-10-10 lifestyle was it. I was so excited and eager… but I am sad to say that today has proven to me that THAT lifestyle is not for me. Into the morning, I started to get headaches like I did when I was in pure HELL last year when I was overloading on carbs. NO THANK YOU !!! All I wanted to do today was sleep and my focus was worse, too. I mean, I should of known better because everyone always talks of how too many carbs with PCOS is a serious no-no but I figured I’d give it a shot… with living off of fruit! Yea, another mistake. Oh well, gotta test this and that out I suppose.
I think what made me sick when I was recently on the Paleo diet was the BACON. Iccck. I think that kicked my immune system in the butt and that set me up for another lovely sinus infection. I’m much better now but still a little sniffly and such. *sigh* This whole thing is so confusing and I have got to get checked out by a Doc… my hair is falling out so badly. Every time I wash or comb my hair, I get a whole handful. Gotta love the whole “male-like hair thinning” aspect of PCOS. My hair usually sheds a little but the past couple of weeks it has been sent into OVERDRIVE and I can see the balding…. so embarassing and depressing! I seriously need to get my hormones in check. I know diet has a LOT to do with it.
Anyway. We stopped by Wal-Mart this evening to get a few things. I bought some Kashi cereal to eat in the mornings and try to figure out a menu plan. I ate a few brussel sprouts, grilled chicken strips and hummus for a little dinner and it was soo good. Backing up to this morning… Katie and I went for our walk and saw some pretty flowers on a bush.

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