Greetings!! Trying to get in a post before midnight! The rest of the morning and early afternoon went alright.. I started some laundry, ate my salad for lunch + fiber shake! Katie kept fighting sleep at nap time. She eventually went to sleep while I finished my college work for the WEEK!
Eventually nibbled on some FRUIT for my snack…

Here’s what we got in WF –
- organic cherries
- various protein/health bars
- goat milk yogurt (for Brad)
- dried apricots
- thick & chunky salsa
- roasted red pepper dressing
- 2 KOMBUCHA drinkies!
- sushi + blood orange drink (for Brad’s dinner)
- organic apples (for Brad)
- small bag of sweet potato chips
- 200 billion probiotic losenges!
- my heavenly Greek Gods plain yogurt
- calcium chews
- organic omega-3 eggs
- all natural shampoo (Brad wanted)
We finished shopping then decided to eat our dinner right outside Whole Foods!

And in our cart at Wal-Mart –
- lots of berries!
- greens, cabbage
- grapes
- oats, Kashi high fiber/protein cereal
- 2 half-gallons of unsweetened almond milk
- new shampoo / conditioner for my dry hair
- multi-plug socket for living room
- frozen cut okra & asparagus
- avocado
- bread (for Katie & Brad)
- bananas (for Katie)
- Katie’s various food items
- 1% milk (for Katie & Brad)
I probably forget an item or two on those lists but yeah! I had a really, really good time!!!!!! I have so much awesomeness in my kitchen and I am SERIOUSLY GIDDY OVER IT. Oh, and Brad bought crickets at Wal-Mart.. to have in the house to listen to. Yea, don’t ask! It was like 10:30pm when we got Katie home so we put her straight to bed and had to go in there many times to tell her to lay down and go to sleep…. sheesh SHE IS STUBBORN. I put away groceries, fixed my AWESOME dessert and here I am trying to get this post in before a new day starts!
I’m nervous about my weigh-in in the morning since it’ll be my first one since starting solid food again… I hope I atleast stayed the same weight? We’ve got a BIG DAY planned tomorrow! Including another possible trip to get a FREE smoothie a piece from SMOOTHIE KING! Can’t wait to enjoy the day with my handsome hubby. I was so happy to sit outside Whole Foods and eat dinner with him.
I love my life. I’m so thankful and blessed. Thankful for LOVE. Thankful for HEALTHY FOODS.
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