Start of another week!!!
This morning I….
..ran for 10 minutes on the treadmill
..went for a LOVELY morning walk with Katie… it was so nice outside
..started to work on college assignments for this week
..washed a load of laundry (thats currently in the dryer)
I am trying SO HARD to be more patient with Katie and she knows I get riled up when she doesn’t do what I ask her to do so instead of doing as I tell her to… she will “push” my buttons but I’m trying not to react with “tone” of voice or expression but just asking her nicely and if she doesn’t do it then I point to/move her to whatever it is I am asking. Ughhhhhh… I will admit this is something I REALLY struggle with because let’s face it- I am NO GOOD with kids. I would rather clean 1,000 houses then have to wait on a defiant 3 year old to do something. Instead, she will give me a “look” and continue to piddle/fiddle and that realllllllllllllllllllllly boils my blood so to speak. I’m trying. Today has been a LOT better vibe between us today but just… UGH.
She went down for her nap and I wasn’t feeling too hot and did not feel satisfied so I thought I needed more fats so I snacked on some almonds + almond butter then took a hot bath. Decided to go take a nap and had a weird “dream….?” It was like I was asleep but I wasn’t? I was dreaming that I was laying there in my bed (or maybe I wasn’t dreaming?!) but I was SO TIRED but I was trying SO HARD to open my eyes but couldn’t?? It was strange!! I finally got up and got Katie up for snack time.
Brad came home and I wanted to go to Whole Foods since I had been debating between buying HEMP OIL or FLAX OIL for my essential fatty acids. Yes, I know, I’ve been obsessed with this but I’m trying to get the best thing for my body in this situation. I read that HEMP is better since it has a better ratio or Omega-3 and Omega-6 and that Flax Oil has more Omega-3 in it sooooooo. Another thing I read is that fish oil supplements aren’t the best when trying to raise your essential fatty acids UNLESS they are the more expensive kind because of the toxins that could be in the “regular” supplement pills. I’ll still take maybe 1-2 fish oil supplements a day BUT MOSTLY will focus on the goodie goodie oils. We loaded up and went to my FAAAV WHOLE FOODS…. and after debating, I went with a BLEND of borage and flaxseed oil.

Ugh… since this afternoon it’s been a major FOOD OVERLOAD for my tummy but I’m making sure to get plenty of oils. I’m trying to stick to my calorie range of 1600 for weight loss but I don’t know if that’s where I need to be with the essential fatty acid deficiency OR If I need much more??! but my main focus is GOOD fats and protein with some carbs but I’ve been loving some oats today. I dunno. I guess we’ll see what happens. I’ll get my body back on track eventually. I guess I need to eat enough to feel “full” when I sit down to eat, which means each meal needs a good chunk of good fats and protein.
Eh, it’s a work in progress!
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