Tomorrow is Turkey Day! I’m not sure what we’re gonna do yet exactly. Brad is hoping that it won’t rain so he can get up in the morning and go play football with some guys from church. They try to get together and do that every year but it might rain and If it does their gonna do it Friday morning but Brad only gets off tomorrow so of course he won’t get to if they do it Friday. We might go to one of Brad’s families Thanksgiving dinners but we’ll see what happens. I used to be more into holidays but this year I honestly can say that I’m not excited because of all that’s going on with me. I’m so disinterested in everything and I HATE that I feel this way. Brad recently upgraded our health insurance and we got a letter a few days ago stating that our current insurance has ended so Brad’s gonna ask the people at his work about it and when we make sure our upgraded insurance is going then I’m gonna go to my family Doc and see If they can help me at all with this fatigue. Again I’m pretty positive I have adrenal fatigue — that my adrenal glands are running on low. Hopefully they can help me figure out a way to help me get better… I REALLY REALLY hope so!!!!!!!!
I finished the rest of my online work tonight and my day hasn’t been eventful but pretty usual day for moi. Just like last Wednesday I got on the exercise bike, read my scriptures and kept a steady, medium pace and I didn’t even turn on the display but I think I went for about ~35 minutes or so and I felt relaxed which is what I’m going for.
:cute: 🙂
About to put Katie to bed, wait for my love and we’re gonna watch BIGGEST LOSER! Makeover week – YES!!! Always remember… God loves you!!! Never give up hope for He will comfort and guide you through all things If you just believe.

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