So, I emailed my online holistic Doctor this morning about how my body reacted to the 2 diff sets of immune supplements that I ordered from him. He emailed me back, and it seems I am leaning more towards the TH1 dominant, so I need TH2 stimulating herbs/vitamins/etc. The liquid immune support that I bought a few weeks ago is mainly TH1 stimulants, so I can’t take it anymore. The Doc reviewed a few things I should be doing to help my health. Here’s what I’m gonna focus on, most I’m already doing but yeah.

– Take high doses of vitamins C & D. Probiotics, adrenal support supplement, cell & immune support supplement, the TH2 stimulatant herbs/vitamins

Then there’s diet. This will be my biggest challenge. The Doc suggested a low glycemic, GLUTEN-FREE based diet, so I’ll see what I can come up with and see how my body reacts. I just need to STICK WITH a plan and not keep bouncing around. Watch the calories and portions. Ugh, I’ve gained even more water weight now… great. I’m also trying the fiber/probiotic powder again that I bought like 2 weeks ago, to see if it’ll help my situation, or not.

I’m gonna do this. I can do this. I WILL DO THIS. My biggest temptations that I have been overeating with are oats & bread. MUST STOP, no more gluten!!! I used to have better willpower than this dangit! No matter what….. I will NEVER GIVE IN, NEVER GIVE UP – no matter how many mistakes or times I slip up. I am DETERMINED to heal my body and feel completely happy + GET SUPER SUPER HEALTHY/TONED/FIT!

Tomorrow evening is my talk at the church meeting on nutrition, yes! Well, off to bed soon… goodnight! Know that you are worthy of a happy, healthy life, but it takes dedication and work. I’m gonna keep working on getting that balance back!